Researchers from the University of Valencia develop the first international network against cyberfraud based on the internet

Web del proyecto redNAC,

A research team from the University of Valencia has developed the platform against cyberfraud redNAC ('Net Against Cyberfraud'). This is the first Internet-based international network fighting fraud. This platform, which has the support of eleven countries of America, Europe and Australia, will combine the expertise of researchers and legal professionals in the treatment of effective ways to protect the heritage and economic interests of both banking users and consumers in general.

The project research team redNAC (, led by Dr. Carolina Sanchis Crespo, is formed by professors of the University of Valencia Vañó María José and Pilar Montes. redNAC is the result of the development of the 'e-Justice in the European Union: consumers and financial institutions to mail fraud', which will continue in force until 2014 by a second project of R & D supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, on 'e-banking fraud and communications in the European Union: procedural and substantive aspects'.

"The axis of redNAC are its correspondents. For each participating country there is a correspondent, who hangs on the net its national anti-fraud rules and, periodically, offers news about online fraud," said Carolina Sanchis.

This platform aims to combat e-fraud through the participation of experts in banking communications, the main problem with e-commerce, is security. "All mechanisms to combat online fraud attempt or reduce it (because it is impossible to disappear) by using secure protocols, or minimize the consequences," said Sanchis Crespo.

For this reason, the project redNAC would establish a set of security parameters common to all participating countries. "The primary safety measure is to follow directions leading financial institutions," said Sanchis, among which are two indispensable: "Do not provide personal information (username and password) to absolutely anyone online or by phone even though insist that they are the bank, and press the "off" or "safe shutdown" every time you use the electronic banking services or otherwise, leave the door half open so that unauthorized users can enter ".

On the other hand, each country has a specific and independent regulation in e-fraud. However, according to the researcher holds the University of Valencia, "lack international cooperation." "Although there is good agreement on cybercrime is difficult, first, that thouse countries where fraud levels are larger, such as Russia or China, for example, ratify, and second, that those who ratify it to the table to promote common policies, and that each country has its own interests," she argues. Despite these obstacles, "the major successes in this unequal war always come from the hand of the international collaboration that already is paying off," says Sanchis.


Therefore, redNAC platform, one of the first works presented to the Security Forum Awards 2013, are defined as an innovative and ambitious project that seeks to provide solutions against cyberfraud through information and sharing problems posed by legal commerce and electronic payment. Firstly, it treats e-fraud prevention, and secondly, to eradicate the assumptions already detected.

Last update: 9 de september de 2013 13:50.

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