The UV recognises the best students

The principal of the UV, Esteban Morcillo, has headed the recognition event of the UV students with the best academic performance. These students have been awarded by the Ministeri d’Educació (Spanish Ministry of Education) and the Izquierdo Besante Monzó Foundation of El Carmen neighbourhood The UV is the institution with the greater number of students who have received this recognition in the Valencian Community an at a national level it is also one of the universities with a greater number of awarded students.

The event has been attended by the Vice-principal for Studies and Language Policy, Isabel Vazquez; the general secretary of the UV, Maria José Añon; delegate of the principal for Students, Daniel González Serisola; and Javier Pastor in behalf of the Izquierdo Besante Monzó Foundation of El Carmen neighbourhood. The deans of the faculties to which the awarded students belong have also supported their students.

From the UV they have been awarded with the National awards for Excellence in the Academic Performance from the Ministeri d’Educació (Spanish Ministry of Education) Francisca Diaz Torres (Business Sciences Dolors Garcia Almudever (Spanish Studies); Fernando Hueso Gonzales (Physics); and Jose Aguilar Rodríguez (Biology). On the other hand, five students have obtained an honourable mention from the Ministry of Education: Hector Sanchez Aguilar (Biochemistry); Jesus Sanchis Chorda (Human Nutrition and Dietetics); Daniel Tamarit Chula (Biology) i Ursula Perez Ramirez (Engineering in Telecommunications). Mª Elena Mas Tur (Science and T. Statistics); Isabel Soldevilla Martinez (Criminology) i Jorge Villagrasa Guarch (Economics) have won the second prize in the National Awards.

On the other hand, the Izquierda Besante Monzó Foundation has given another award to the best academic record of the first-year undergraduate studies. The awarded students have been: Oscar Roldan Blay (Mathematics); Pablo Marti Rodrigo (Pharmacology); Rocio Gimenez Zalvez (Classic Languages Studies) i Marta Diez Muñoz (Labour Relations and Human Resources).

The Principal, during his intervention, has congratulated to the awarded students and he has also told them that all of them represented the academic excellence of the UV. He continued by saying that he was very proud of them and he asked them to maintain the pride of belonging to the University in which they had studied.

The Principal also recalled that a society which was not committed with education was a society that lost the future of its citizens. “Education is the most important social project” he said.

Last update: 29 de may de 2014 14:26.

News release