
You have until 14 June 2024 (14:00h) to submit your application in the ordinary phase: it is a telematic process that you can carry out from any electronic device and does not involve any payment (*).

Both phases are open to:

  1. Students in possession of an official university degree that gives access to Master’s studies, or who are in the process of obtaining it, at the latest by 19 July 2024.
  2. Students studying for a Bachelor’s degree at a university in the European Higher Education Area who still have to pass the Degree Final Project and up to a maximum of 9 ECTS credits (except for MD in Legal Practice and Representation. In this case, it is a requirement to access this master's degree to be in possession of the Bachelor's diploma)

If you want to invest in your future and obtain quality specialised training, consult the offer of master’s degree courses here and all the information about procedure here.

 (*) University graduates whose degrees have been issued by institutions outside the European Higher Education Area, will have to pay a fee for the equivalence study of the accredited degree and submit the required documents duly legalized or with apostille.