• 7451: Know how to communicate conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences, clearly and unambiguously.
  • 9759: Students should apply acquired knowledge to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts within their field of study, including multidisciplinary scenarios.
  • 9760: Students should be able to integrate knowledge and address the complexity of making informed judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • 9762: Students should demonstrate self-directed learning skills for continued academic growth.
  • 15136: Understand the global environment in which international companies evolve.
  • 15357: Know how to work in multidisciplinary teams reproducing real contexts and contributing and coordinating their own knowledge with that of other branches and participants.
  • 15359: Participate in, lead and coordinate debates and discussions, be able to summarize them and extract the most relevant conclusions accepted by the majority.
  • 15360: Use different presentation formats (oral, written, slide presentations, boards, etc.) to communicate knowledge, proposals and positions.
  • 14844: Analyse and solve management problems by creating and validating models appropriate to the various fields of the company's activity, such as production planning and control, inventory management, distribution and logistics or project management. Work with available or possible data.
  • 14845: Develop the ability to manage information, with special emphasis on quantitative information. Adequately design the process of data collection and processing.
  • 14846: Carry out and coordinate projects for technological improvement and innovation in management.
  • 15062: Be able to model real situations as mathematical formulations, especially those involving decision making in complex scenarios.
  • 15063: Be familiar with the optimisation and simulation tools available in the market and their possible adaptation to business problems. Consider the development of new applications.
  • 15064: Be able to synthesise and communicate the results, the conclusions of models and the solutions proposed in a rigorous and clear manner.
  • 11222: Be able to integrate knowledge and handle the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, while being incomplete or limited, includes reflection on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of knowledge and judgments.
  • 9761: Students should communicate conclusions and underlying knowledge clearly and unambiguously to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
  • 10015: Students should possess and understand foundational knowledge that enables original thinking and research in the field.
  • 14817: Have a proactive attitude towards possible changes that may occur in their professional and/or investigative work.
  • 14468: Be able to integrate into teams, both as managers or coordinators and for specific and limited functions and in support of the team or of others.
  • 15590: To know how to apply acquired knowledge and solve problems in new or unfamiliar situations within wider contexts (or multidisciplinary) related with their field of study.
  • 14792: Have the learning skills needed to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous. Be able to approach new problems with new tools throughout their career.
  • 14793: Have an integrated knowledge of the functional areas of a company and the most relevant aspects of its economic environment.
  • 14843: Develop and apply knowledge and technologies in the context of business management.
  • 14847: Propose and/or identify new technologies and evaluate their potential impact on current processes.
  • 15061: Lead, integrate and coordinate multidisciplinary work teams in charge of problem analysis and resolution.