In order to access the official Master's Degree courses, it is necessary to hold an official Spanish university degree or another one issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) which entitles the country issuing the degree to access the master's degree courses.

Likewise, the graduates may also access the education systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the need for the homologation of their degrees, after verification by the University that they have a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they have the right to access postgraduate education in the country issuing the degree. Access in this way does not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than the study of the master's degree.

The body in charge of admission will be the Academic Coordination Commission (CCA) of the Master's Degree. The specific composition of the course is published on the master's specific website.

The admission process is made in a personalized way, considering the curriculum and academic record of the applicant and according to the global parameters established by the current regulations. The specific criteria established by the Master’s Academic Coordinating Committee are also considered. These criteria focus on five aspects or basic areas:

1. The degree with which the student enters to the Master’s.
2. The academic record of the student.
3. The training level of the student in any content related to finance.
4. The language skills of the applicant.
5. Previous professional experience of the applicant in financial areas of companies or organisations.

Regarding to the weightings of the basic areas, the evaluations should represent the following percentages: 40%, 30%, 7, 5%, 15%, and 7, 5% respectively. It is worth noting that those persons interested in entering to this Master’s whose mother tongue is not Spanish must proof a level of knowledge of the language that allow them to follow the classes. In this regard, the students who are in this situation are required a Spanish level of B2. Those students, who at the time of enrolment don’t certify this level, must pass a personal interview and present the certification throughout the academic year. 

Regarding to the affinity of the Master’s Degree with the previous degrees of candidates, are considered related degrees all those undergraduate degrees or any other qualifications in which the students have taken subjects of finance. Generally, the degrees are the following: Undergraduate Degree in Finance and Accountancy, Licenciatura (Spanish former Undergraduate Degree) and/or Undergraduate Degree in Business Management and Administration, Diplomatura (Spanish former Undergraduate Degree) and the Undergraduate Degree and/or Licenciatura in Economics.