• CE1: Apply the fundamentals of bioethics and the deliberative method to professional practice, and practise as health professionals according to the provisions of Law 44/2003, of 21 November, regulating health professions.
  • CE2: Know the policy framework of a general health psychologist and be able to refer patients to the appropriate specialist.
  • CE3: Work from the perspective of quality and continuous improvement, with a self-critical capacity, necessary for a responsible professional performance.
  • CE4: Know the duties and responsibilities of health professionals as regards confidentiality of information and protection of personal data of patients.
  • CE5: Be familiar with the actions required for the establishment, implementation and management of a company, its different legal forms and legal, accounting and tax obligations.
  • CE6: Be familiar with current regulations in the Spanish healthcare system.
  • CE7: Learn more about the different models of assessment and intervention in the field of general health psychology, as well as the techniques and procedures deriving from them for addressing behaviour disorders and the psychological factors associated with health problems.
  • CE8: Plan, conduct and, where appropriate, monitor the process of psychological evaluation of human behaviour and the psychological factors associated with health problems.
  • CE9: : Design, develop and, where appropriate, monitor and evaluate plans and programmes of psychological intervention, according to the psychological assessment and the individual and social variables occurring in each case.
  • CE10: Perform activities aimed at the promotion of and education on psychological health of individuals and communities.
  • CE11: Formulate working hypotheses in research and collect and critically evaluate information to solve problems applying the scientific method.
  • CE12: Show skills in interpersonal communication and in controlling emotions, which are suitable for the effective interaction with patients, families and caregivers in the process of problem identification, evaluation, communication of the diagnosis and psychological intervention and monitoring.
  • CE13: Critically analyse and use sources of clinical information.
  • CE14: Use information and communication technology in professional practice.
  • CE15: Know how to inform and to communicate with other professionals, and master the skills needed for working in teams and in multidisciplinary groups.
  • CE16: Obtain an in-depth knowledge of the psychological nature of human behaviour and of the social and biological factors that can affect it.
  • CE17: Obtain an in-depth knowledge of the psychological nature of human behavioural disorders..
  • CE18: Obtain an in-depth knowledge of the psychosocial factors associated with health problems and disease.
  • CE19: Obtain an in-depth knowledge of the biological and psychosocial factors associated with health problems and disease, especially those related to mental health.
  • CE20: Write psychological reports that are adequate for their addressees.
  • CE21: Adquirir, desarrollar y poner en práctica un concepto de salud integral, en donde tengan cabida los componentes biopsicosociales de la misma, de acuerdo con las directrices establecidas por la OMS