The Master's Academic Commission is responsible for admission on the basis of the following selection criteria:

  • 20% Degree, taking into account the similarity of the student academic profile with the specialty of the Master’s Degree. Those students coming from the Degree or Licenciatura (Spanish former undergraduate degree) in History of Art, History and Heritage, Audiovisual Communication and Fine Arts, and other related degrees will be taken into consideration.
  • 30% Average mark in academic records/transcript.
  • 3% Collaboration scholarships.
  • 42% Curriculum vitae (training courses, research merit, and professional experience related to the masters).
  • 20% Publications
  • 12% Languages.
  • 5% Previous work experience.
  • 5% Complementary education in the masters’ or doctorate study area.
  • 3% Cover letter.
  • 2% Letters of recommendation explaining the candidate’s interest in doing the masters.