Degree number of credits: 0

Compulsory credits: 0

Final project: 0

Degree code: 2232

Years: Information not available

Teaching type:

Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 30

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Management Centre: Faculty of Geography and History

Languages used in class: Spanish and Valencian

Participating Universities: Universitat de València

Academic Coordinating Committee: Joaquín Farinós Dasí (Director)
Ricardo Calvo Palomares
Juan Ramón Gallego Bono
Amparo Martí Trotonda
Aida Vizcaino Estevan
Mónica García Sánchez (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: The Master's Degree in Management and Promotion of Local Development provides a professional application profile to train future graduates who can satisfy the needs of local and regional administrations with a sufficient theoretical-epistemological basis, which must be both technical and, in a new but essential way, of practical ethics. This forces the future local territorial development agent to master the principles and techniques of phronetic planning and management. That is why, unlike other proposals, we consider a single profile instead of two (professional and research application), presenting the proposal of the Master’s Degree from approaches of the postnormal science, transdicipline and mixture of both areas (the academic and the management and decision-making). The pertinence and academic (training field not covered in the current offer), scientific (reinterpretation of local, integral, 'local based’ development) and professional interest are deduced. Therefore, it has been demonstrated as an interesting field of professional application for a new agent of local development (in which there is an efficient combination of economy, territory and environment) with capacities and abilities that place him or her in a neuralgic point of mediation between planning and management, among decision-makers and economic actors and citizens of each territory. Among the students of the Master’s Degree there are not only future specialists and local employment and development agents, but also public officials and other technicians from the local administrations who must address in their daily work issues directly related to the formulation of strategies and actions on territorial development and economic and employment promotion.

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: