• 10015: Students should possess and understand foundational knowledge that enables original thinking and research in the field.
  • 9759: Students should apply acquired knowledge to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts within their field of study, including multidisciplinary scenarios.
  • 9760: Students should be able to integrate knowledge and address the complexity of making informed judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • 9761: Students should communicate conclusions and underlying knowledge clearly and unambiguously to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
  • 9762: Students should demonstrate self-directed learning skills for continued academic growth.
  • 14160: Analyse and synthesise the main current research agendas in Specific Didactics.
  • 14161: Apply the cognitive, metacognitive and social skills necessary for the performance as a member of the research community of Specific Didactics.
  • 14370: Conduct quality research in the scientific field of Specific Didactics using the methodologies, techniques and procedures of this discipline.
  • 14371: Engage in research tasks within scientific groups, showing capacity for learning, collaboration, initiative and communication.
  • 14372: Communicate, exchange and transfer the results of one's own research with other actors in the education system, for the benefit of society.
  • 14373: Integrate ethical values and responsibility associated with research tasks into one's own research.
  • 14374: Create spaces for research and learning with special attention to equity, emotional and values education, equal rights and opportunities between men and women, citizenship training and respect for human rights that facilitate life in society, decision-making and the construction of a sustainable future.
  • 14375: Evaluate current research problems on teaching or learning in the fields of knowledge characteristic of Specific Didactics.
  • 18560: Value the social importance of research in Specific Didactics and the need to apply the results of research to improve the quality of education and make it available to all citizens.
  • 18559: Synthesise relevant research problems on learning or teaching in the disciplines belonging to Specific Didactics.
  • 14376: Synthesise historical, epistemological and ontological aspects associated with the emergence and evolution of research in Specific Didactics.
  • 18561: Search and synthesise information on research results in bibliographic, material, virtual, etc. repertoires useful to support a new research project.
  • 14377: Evaluate the relevance of a research project, its quality and future projection, with scientific criteria appropriate to the international standards of the studied speciality.
  • 18562: Critically analyse, from the point of view of research in Specific Didactics, the performance of teaching, good practice and guidance using quality indicators.
  • 18565: Analyse current tools and methods used in didactic research in order to develop didactic units for innovation and research in the classroom.
  • 18564: Understand and apply specialised research procedures in Specific Didactics.
  • 14218: Know how to select and apply the most appropriate technique according to the type of material to be characterised and the objective to be achieved.
  • 15430: Design a research project by defining the problem and its scientific field, the research questions, the appropriate theoretical framework, the necessary methodological tools, and specifying its limitations.
  • 10666: Design and validate reliable tools for data collection in qualitative or quantitative research in Specific Didactics.
  • 18818: Choose an appropriate methodological framework to generate answers to research questions and master the use of the necessary methodological techniques.