Degree number of credits: 60
Compulsory credits: 48
Final project: 6
Work placements/Internships: 6
Degree code: 2071
Years: 1
Teaching type: Presencial
Places available for new students: 25
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36
Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]: 35.34€
Management Centre: Faculty of Psychology
Languages used in class: Spanish and Valencian
Participating Universities: University of Valencia
Academic Coordinating Committee: José Manuel Tomás Miguel (Co-director)
Laura Badenes Ribera (Co-directora)
Rafael García Ros
Carmen Montalbá Ocaña
Mª Antonia Pérez Marín
Sacramento Pinazo Hernandis
Vanessa Sánchez Martínez
Julia Aguilar Izquierdo (PTGAS)
Academic, scientific or professional interest: The progressive increase in life expectancy and an ageing population have led to an increasing number of dependent elderly people.
Dependency is linked to disability since it implies the loss of a person’s abilities to perform everyday activities, regardless of the cause of the loss, which results in a situation of dependency. Reducing dependent care, especially elderly care, would constitute a limited vision of the problem. Age increases the amount of people at risk of developing a disability and therefore of becoming dependent, but there are other risk factors that can lead to a status of disability and dependence throughout the life of the person.
The needs that arise from dependency are met through Health and Social Care, which we define as "the integrated set of social and health services, public and private, which are aimed at the rehabilitation and care of people who are in different situations of disability that prevent them from engaging in everyday personal and/or instrumental activities. "
This population is expected to increase in the immediate future. The number of professionals working in the care of dependent people is very large. The training of these professionals is far from being the most appropriate, both because of its multidisciplinary approach (that is absent from conventional academic training) and the novelty of the phenomenon, emergence of new technologies, new methods and techniques of intervention, new knowledge on development and aging, etc.
PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Social and Health Care in Dependency