Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 42

Final project: 9

Work placements/Internships: 9

Degree code: 2271

Years: 1

Teaching type: Online

Knowledge branch: Social and legal science

Places available for new students: 56

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2023-2024 academic year]:
35,34 €

Management Centre: Faculty of Social Sciences

Languages used in class: Spanish

Participating Universities: Universidad de Alicante; the Universidad de Barcelona; the Universidad de Girona; the Universidad de Lleida; the Universidad de Murcia; the Universidad Rovira i Virgili; the Universitat de les Illes Balears and the Universitat de València

Academic Coordinating Committee: Francisco José Ródenas Rigla (Director)
Tatiana Casado de Staritzky
Xavier Casademont Falguera
Maria Victòria Forns i Fernández
Víctor M. Giménez Bertomeu
Joaquín Guerrero Muñoz
Xavier Miranda Ruche
Càndid Palacín Bartrolí



The students will be integrated into a single group of 56 places for all subjects, except for the subjects of External Practices and Master's Thesis.

The enrolment and adhesion to the internship groups and TFM of the Master’s Degree in Social Work in Health Care will operate as follows:

  • Enrolment: the enrolment for the Internship and the Masters Final Project (TFM) will be linked to one of the 8 universities that offer it. There will be 8 groups, with 7 places in each of them. Hence, out of the 56 places available for enrolment, each University will be assigned a group with 7 places for the Internship and the TFM. Enrolment will be based on the mark obtained in the Master's access process.
  • In relation to the External Internships, once students have enrolled and are assigned to a specific university, they may apply for one of the following options:
    • Selection of the internship centre based on the Master’s access mark: each university will offer a list of possible entities where students enrolled in the same university can carry out the internship. Students may not apply for places offered by universities other than the one in which they are enrolled.
  • Autopracticum: students may propose an institution to carry out the internship. The Master's Academic Committee will review the proposal and give its approval or rejection.
  • Recognition for professional experience: this option will be based on the criteria set out in the Master's verification report, which states that "The recognition of credits will only and exclusively affect the subject of Internships (9 credits) for accredited work experience in Social Work in Health Care. Recognition for work experience will be based on 4 years of accredited work experience in Social Work in Health Care".
Academic, scientific or professional interest: Social work is a crucial component of the welfare structures in contemporary democratic societies. Its history as a profession dates back to the 19th century, although its academic implementation in higher education is more recent. It is clearly an emerging discipline, particularly with the development of the European Higher Education Area. Social work is also a professional discipline that has become an essential reference for the public system of social services created during the Spanish democracy in the 1980s. Social workers perform functions aimed at providing social diagnosis and reports, which are exclusive instruments of social work. These functions aim to identifying the strengths and social risk factors for health promotion, disease prevention and social health intervention of individuals, families, groups and communities as active subjects in their treatment, recovery and rehabilitation. In general, healthcare and professional areas of health centres should encourage activities that promote social inclusion.

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: