The following criteria will be taken into account for the selection of students:

Academic record: 50%
Letter of motivation: 15%
Reference from two people: 15%
Certificate accrediting knowledge of English and Spanish for applicants from third countries.

The following elements will be also taken into account:

  1. That applicants meet the entry requirements regarding their academic degree, also considering the marks in the field of physical chemistry. Applicants who hold a degree in a different field can be admitted if they accredit knowledge equivalent to the level of “Chemistry Eurobachelor” in the following topics: chemical bonds, atomic and molecular structure, molecular interactions, general physics, general physical chemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics and spectroscopy. Some deficiencies can be compensated by means of training complements. However, applicants with deficiencies in more than two of the above areas cannot be accepted.
  2. That the applicant possesses an internationally recognised certificate of proficiency in English equivalent to a minimum score of 213/500 in the TOELF, or a 6 in the IELTS. According to the descriptors of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, this is equivalent to a minimum level of B2 or C1.