The admission of students will consider the following criteria:
Academic record 50%
Cover letter 15%
References of two people
Certificate of English and Spanish knowledge for candidates of third countries 20%

It will be considered the following aspects:

  1. That students meet the entry requirements regarding to qualifications, considering also the marks in the area of chemistry and physics. Other qualifications different to Chemistry, Physics or Materials Sciences may be admitted, always that students could certificate knowledge at the level of “Chemistry eurobachelor” (or equivalent) of the following subject matters: Chemical Bonding, atomic and molecular structure and molecular interactions, General Physics, General Chemistry Physics, Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Spectroscopy. Some deficiencies can be compensated by bridging courses. However, application forms with deficiencies in two of the mentioned areas cannot be accepted.
  2. That the candidate has an internationally recognised certificate of proficiency in English equivalent to TOEFL with a minimum mark of 213/500, or an IELTS with a minimum mark of 6. According to the descriptors of the Common European Framework for languages, will be equivalent to a minimum level of B2 or C1.