Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 39

Elective credits: 11

Final project: 10

Degree code: 2230

Years: 1

Teaching type: Presencial

Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES

Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 25

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Law

Languages used in class: Spanish

Participating Universities: University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: Angela Matallín Evangelio (Directora)
Alicia Armengot Vilaplana
Javier Guardiola García
María Sánchez Vilanova
Catalina Vidales Rodríguez
Carmen Molines Momparler (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: The Master’s degree aims at training experts in criminal law who can develop their competences properly in the different social scopes where they can carry out their function. This training is addressed to different collectives. On the one hand, students and professionals who wish to develop their doctoral thesis in criminal law. On the other hand, those who wish to dedicate themselves to research or develop an academic career within this specialty. It is also adequate for the graduate who seek to enter the labour market assuming attributions within the criminal scope. Likewise, it is also aimed at those who are working professionally and wish to specialise in this field or widen their knowledge. Within this group we find, mainly, lawyers, attorneys, judges, fiscals and other members of the justice personnel, who with to refresh and improve their training both looking for an improvement of their tasks, for a doctorate or in the case of magistrates, for obtaining the criminal specialty which allows them to access specific job posts. Finally, it is thought for students who wish to prepare public examinations whose syllabus include questions related to Criminal Law.

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: