The UV and the Council for Education presented the new inter-university Chair of Educational Reform ‘Carme Miquel’

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • Cristina Soriano Cabellos
  • December 12th, 2022
Presentation of the Chair

The presentation act of this new chair, born with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the Valencian educational system, was held on Thursday November 17 in the Faculty of Teacher Training of the Universitat de València.

The Chair is the result of an agreement signed in July 2022 by the Universitat de València, the Universitat Jaume I and Council for Education of the Generalitat Valenciana. Its name honours Carme Miquel, mentor in the field of pedagogical renewal in the Comunitat Valenciana, teacher and driving force of Valencian public schools. She fought for innovating and transforming the educational system when developing her professional life. She is, without doubt, an inspiration for the objectives of this Chair. 

The vice-principal for Innovation and Transfer of the UV, Rosa Donat Beneito, presided the presentation in which also participated Reis Gallego, director-general of Educational Innovation of the GVA; David Cabedo, vice-principal of Innovation, Transfer and Scientific Dissemination of the UJI; Ana Botella, dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training; and Rosa Isusi, director of the Chair. 

Rosa Donat opened the act mentioning the Chairs of the Universitat de València programme, which currently includes 70. “Chairs are excellent tools for boosting the generation of content and transferring it to society. It is a tool that allows to give resources to basic activities in research, innovation, training and dissemination of scientific knowledge, with social and circulation objectives” she said. 

The vice-principal highlighted the fact that the guidelines of this new Chair will allow to “generate spaces where exchanging experiences between the different educational agents and creating and sharing knowledge for boosting the educational reform”.  
The Chair of Educational Reform ‘Carme Miquel’ was born with the main objective of boosting research, training and reflection regarding the world of non-university education, so as to help to improve the Valencian Educational system. 

The director of the Chair, Rosa Isusi, highlighted the idea that one of the objectives of the Chair is “encouraging research and innovative educational methodologies and its dissemination”. The inter-university chair will also organise seminars, conferences and other dissemination activities on innovative educational practices, teaching activities, future challenges of the educational system, good practices for promoting reading, etc. 

As Rosa Isusi said, the Chair is also created with the aim of boosting academic research groups of innovative methodologies, pedagogy and teaching practices, through the cooperation of teaching staff external to the UV. All of this with the aim of creating networks of non-university teachers, so as to implement active movements of educational innovation.

In the second part of the ceremony took part not only the speeches of the designers Rosana Monrós and César Martínez -that explained all the visual part of the Chair-, but also the academic speeches of three professors of the Universitat de València, which studied Carme Miquel from different perspectives. Carmen Agulló Díaz, from the Department of Comparative Education and Education History, was focused in the historical importance of Carme Miquel; Alexandre Bataller Català, professor of the Department of Language and Literature Teaching, did a literary review of the teacher’s career; and finally, Francesc J. Hernàndez Dobon, of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, participated virtually offering a sociological perspective of Carme Miquel. 


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