• Degree Programmes Offered

Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES


Undergraduate degree website: www.uv.es/grado/optica

Credits: 240

Basic training: 60

Compulsory: 132

Elective: 24

Work Placement/Internship: 18

Final Project: 6

Degree code: 1207

Classes: Presencial

Years: 4

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: ------

Languages used in class: ------

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 24 ECTS part time/ 36 ECTS full time

Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): Enric Valor i Micó

Degree Coordinator: Mª Amparo Díez Ajenjo

Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: José Juan Esteve Taboada

International Coordinator: Rosa Hernández Andrés

Academic, scientific or professional interest:

The aim of the Degree in Optics and Optometry is to produce highly-qualified specialists in visual healthcare by organising activities aimed at the prevention, detection, analysis and treatment of alterations in vision.  To this end, students acquire the knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to undertake visual and ocular examinations; the design, certification and adaptation of optical systems; the design and development of sight-training programmes and design of proposals for ergonomic improvements.

Worth Noting:

This degree entitles graduates to work as optometrists.

The degree’s external internships, which count for 18 credits, are compulsory. As well as the accords signed between the University of Valencia and several clinics and hospitals, the University has its own optometry clinic, where students learn how to attend to external patients. Internships can also be carried out in companies related to the field of optics and optometry, such as optical establishments and industries where lenses and other devices are manufactured.

For part-time students, the internship period should be constant and intensive.