10th Conference on Taxation of the Social Economy

On 18 December 2020, the Spanish Social Economy Employers’ Confederation (CEPES) is organising the 10th Conference on Taxation of the Social Economy, as part of its collaboration with the Diploma in Tax and Accounting Management for Cooperatives of the Universitat de València.


The conference will deal with the current issues that have arisen over the last year in the field of taxation and labour that directly affect Social Economy companies. Thus, an exposition and analysis of the most relevant regulatory, jurisprudential and administrative news will be carried out.

Finally, as is traditional at this conference, a round table will be opened with the two participants, to resolve any doubts that the attendees may have raised previously on tax and/or labour issues related to the Social Economy


10 am. Opening and presentation of the conference. Mr. Juan Antonio Pedreño (President of CEPES)

10:10 am. Tax treatment of losses in Social Economy companies

11:10 am. Effects of losses in the field of labour and social welfare

12:10 am. Debate on tax/labour issues related to the Social Economy

12:40 am. Closing ceremony


Ms. Pilar Alguacil Marí

Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Universitat de València.

Director of the Practical Diploma in Business Taxation.

Director of the Specialisation Course in Tax and Accounting Management for Cooperatives, Universitat de València qualifications.

Mr. Manuel Alegre

Director of the Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety of the Universitat de València.

Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the Universitat de València.

Social substitute magistrate of the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community.


Date 18 december 2020 at 10:00 to 13:00. Friday.



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