The Universitat de València, through its employment service, UVemployment, has published a new course offering for employment training during the first quarter of the 2023-24 academic year. This course is made up of seven training programmes, mostly online, that will take place from October to December.
All of the courses will earn students ECTS credits with a certificate of completion awarded to students who meet the requirements specific to each of the courses. The entrolment period has already started and will be open until the first day of each course.
The training programme was designed to encourage, promote and facilitate the professional integration of university students into comanies, as ell as providing tools and the knowledge necessary to start one's own business project, supporting the skills required in the professional world.
UVemployment training offer 2023-24 1st quarter:
- Digital tools and compencies essential for employability
- Employment and professional development in a family company
- Financial education for employment and entrepreneurship for university students
- Job election interviews: training for the adquisition of competencies (blended learning)
- Communication abilities and decision making
- Personal brand and job searching through social media
- Learn to become an entrepreneur (blended learning)
Date From 14 september 2023 to 26 november 2023. 24h. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday.
Contact uvempleo@uv.es