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  • Brocade

    Shu brocade and embroidery, artisan heritage of Sichuan

    nº 24: 刘智慧 Liu Zhihui | 1 may 2014

    Shu brocade and embroidery, known as the “oriental treasure and unique technique of China” dating back more than two millennia and are intangible cultural heritage of China. In Sichuan, Shu brocade and embroidery enjoy the same reputation and both are called “treasures of Shu”. They are considered as two wonders among silk products.

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  • Boats

    Means of transport that have become Hong Kong famous

    nº 23: José Vicente Castelló | 1 march 2014

    Last travellers sampans, double-decker buses, wooden trams or the Star Ferry are among the transportation of Hong Kong that provide a personal image to the city. These means of transport are the protagonists of the experience section in the issue 23 of the Confucius Institute Magazine.

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  • Duolun Street

    Duolun Street

    nº 22: 王文 Wang Wen | 1 january 2014

    In this issue, we show one of the best examples of conservation and renewal in the recent history of Shanghai, the Duolun Street, full of buildings and houses from the early last century.

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  • District 798

    District 798, artistic concentration of Beijing

    nº 21: 李秋实 Li Qiushi | 1 november 2013

    It is said that foreign tourists visiting Beijing love going mainly to three places: the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the District 798. The first two represent the historical past of the Chinese capital, while the latter is characterised by the desire to contemplate the modern artistic trends in China and want to experience a different way of life in this Asian country.

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