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Do you know that the Universitat de València is the largest producer of renewable energy in the city. Here is the information: What else does the University?

This dynamic graph has been created by the Àrea de Medi Ambient from the monthly data of photovoltaic generation provided by the Maintenance Service.

How does it work?

The selector allows choosing the location. The graph automatically adapts to the selection. Leaving the cursor on each bar, the exact values will appear. The green trails quantify the increase –in green— or reduction –in red— of the generation compared to the same month from last year.

The lower graphic is used to select the desired date interval. Dragging the tabs on the sides allows choosing the date interval to be consulted from 2014 to the present day.

Finally, the buttons  “€uros” and “kWh”  serve to show in the graph the electricity generated by the solar panels and the income generated in favour of the University, so its dimensions can be quantified.

What data does it show?

The data are updated by the Àrea de Medi Ambient at the end of each month. The locations depend on the structure of the plant, so it can occur that, if two buildings share the same network, their graph will be joint, since we do not have more segregated data.

The counters data are given in kWh. To obtain its equivalence in euros the average price in €/kWh of the total of the University is applied for each year.

What is this electricity used for?

The electricity generated by solar panels is injected into the city's electricity grid, reducing the need for power plants and meeting part of the demand for electricity at moments of peak consumption. In practice, since electricity is injected into the same dams of current where the University consumes, most of the electricity generated is consumed by the University itself.