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Computers and equipment

Looking over the walls of your office you will find many appliances draw electricity continuously, even when we are not present. They should be connected only when necessary.


Switch off the speakers!Although they only have a light on, it consumes a lot, up to 20 W continuously. Switching off them, you would avoid the emission of 55 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

It is also interesting to turn off the monitor and the rest of appliances which have pilot lights. The most convenient is plugging them into a power strip with a switch to shut them down at once.

Turn off your computer if you leave it for more than 30 minutes.

People say computers should not be turned off in short intervals. Is it true?

Here is the answer

You must know that screen savers do not save energy really. The best way is to set the monitor to turn off after 5 or 10 minutes of inactivity. Configure your computer to not waste energy. The options are in :
Start>Settings>Control Panel>Power Options
This setting is recommended:

Turn off the monitor: after 10 minutes
Turn off the hard disks: after 15 minutes
Idle: after 20 minutes
Hibernation: after 2 hours



Previously, everyone had an inkjet printer to their computer. These printers work with current transformers, which consume electricity even when they are turned off, and also cartridges expenditure and maintenance is usually higher for usage.Therefore, it is more convenient to have a shared networked printer. We recommend to turn off the switch during the holidays and weekend.They can also be connected to a timer to shut off power at night and weekend. Before doing so, make sure that the printer does not give any error message when turned on and does not affect subsequent performance.


We recommend to turn off the switch during the holidays and weekend.They can also be connected to a timer to shut off power at night and weekend. Before doing so, make sure that the printer does not give any error message when turned on and does not affect subsequent performance.

Mineral Water Fountains

In almost all the offices of the University there are fountains with bottles of mineral water. These fountains include a motor for cooling the water which works day and night throughout the year. They can also be connected to a timer to shut off power at night and weekend.It may also be turned off during holiday.Wonder whether someone drinks cold water in winter, you may also be able to turn it off during this period.


Take the stairs!

Laboratory equipment

Freezers and refrigerators. In much of the laboratories there are freezers and refrigerators and some sample products. The problem is often we found inside things that are no longer needed and that seem to have no owner. It is also quite common to find old and in poor cleaning refrigerators. These conditions, in addition to not help in laboratory work, contribute to higher power consumption.

Extraction hoods. Turning them on only for as long as is necessary. Besides increasing the noise in the laboratory, they consume a lot of power. Do not forget to turn them off at the end!

At the end of the day. It is very common to find at night devices switched on. If you are the last to leave, remember to turn off everything. Consider also what devices is best to connect timers to turn them off at night and weekends.

Air conditioning

Air conditioning systems are designed to achieve a comfortable temperature for people in the building. This optimum temperature will change depending on the season. Furthermore, since all people are different, some are more sensitive to cold and hot, so a balanced temperature must be fixed. And remember that the best way to control the temperature is by clothes!

In the air-conditioned areas, windows and doors must remain closed.


If you are cold, maybe other colleagues are hot. Therefore, the first step is to wrap yourself up. If you are often cold, it is best to keep a pullover or any similar garment at your workplace, so you will have it at hand when you feel cold.
In winter, the optimal temperature is not high. In fact, it is intended that the temperature difference with the outside not to be significant.

During the winter months heating systems are launched throughout the University. These systems consist primarily of natural gas boilers with radiators or diffusers, and at other places individually controlled air conditioners.

In cold days there is a tendency to increase the heating above the comfort temperature. This temperature may be pleasant when entering the building. But throughout the day is too hot, and finally when you leave the building there is a strong contrast to the cold outside, contributing to colds.
It should be reminded to heating systems’ users that when these appliances are turned up they work to the maximum until get the set temperature, so, setting a higher temperature is of no use.

The Technical and Maintenance Service sets the setpoint temperatures in compliance with the legal requirements for work spaces and air-conditioned transit areas. You can check them on their website.


In the same way as in heating, the Technical and Maintenance Service sets the setpoint temperatures in compliance with the legal requirements for work spaces and air-conditioned transit areas. You can check their website.

If you are hot, maybe other colleagues are cold. Therefore, the first step is use light clothing.
In case of turning on the conditioned air, remember to close all doors and windows.

To adjust the air conditioning, the temperature should not be put to a minimum (also then have cold). Even if you set it at 26 °C, the device will operate at maximum until it reaches the desired temperature. And very important: always remember to turn it off when leaving.

Cooling systems work almost exclusively with electricity, for this reason it produces greenhouse gas emissions .
The summer months can reach the maximum power demand due to air conditioning units, because the distribution network is saturated and there are frequent blackouts. This increased demand requires a greater production with fuels.

Temperature control in heating systems during summer

Optimizing the setpoint temperature of the air conditioning systems is crucial for the welfare of the occupants and for the reduction of the energetic consumption.

During the summer months the thermal discomfort occurs mainly by excessively low temperatures, i.e., excess of cold due to the air conditioning. This is mainly due to two factors:

During hot days, when you go into an overly refrigerated building, thermal comfort is nice, because you feel a sense of relief. But throughout the day these temperatures are too low for sedentary jobs and foster the summer colds.

Use mechanisms such as cross ventilation to maintain an adequate temperature in the building, especially in summer. For example, open windows located on different facades and/or heights to create a natural circulation of air taking advantage of the temperature difference, a fact that will allow a comfortable temperature to be obtained and will reduce the need to use air conditioners.

10 minutes a day are enough to ventilate your office, and it is convenient to ventilate first thing in the morning during the summer season or during midday in winter. Keep in mind that the climate control system must be switched off while the room is being ventilated. If you do not have the possibility to ventilate manually, probably the air conditioning system es doing it automatically.


Always try to get the right light in the right place at the right time. No more and no less.People say fluorescent tubes should not be turned off in short intervals. Is it true?
Here is the answer

In the classroom

If the classroom is not complete and may be illuminated by area, turn on only appropriate lights.And the most important thing: turn the lights off when you leave the room. It is better that, if someone enters, light on the lights he need.

In the office

If you go for breakfast, turn the lights off. Just as you would would do at home.If you go to class turn the lights off. If you want to let others know you are in class, leave a note on the door.

In the laboratory

At the end of the day it is usual to find the lights on. If you are the last to leave, remember to turn off everything.

What else does the University?