Universitat de ValènciaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaInteruniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development Logo del portal

Main researcher: Mª Carmen Montesinos Mezquita
Team members

  • Anti-inflamatory activity
    • Fundamental mechanisms in the destruction of inflammatory and degenerative articular processes as the origin of new therapeutic strategies.
    • Mechanisms implied in the cutaneous protection during infections with inflamatory comonents
  • In vitro studies of xenobiotic-biomacromolecule interactions

For the last few years, the researches have been centered in the development of highly efficient methods (liquid chromatography) for in vitro estimation of pharmaco-Kinetic and toxicity parameters in xenobiotics (i.e. drugs, pesticides), modifying the stationary and mobile phases to manage to imitate cellular biomembranes.
A new chromatographic modality was born from these researches and was named Micellar Biopartitioning Chromatographgy (BMC). BMC compound retention has proved to be an excellent substitute for the classical hydrophobic index (Log P), particularly when there are ionisable compounds implied and a good indicator of the compound’s permeability in different biomembranes. Simultaneously chimiometric and cualimetric tools have been developed (method and quality control validation, uncertainty, analysis and multivariant regression) which have been systematically applied to research in order to grant quality on the experimental results.

Recently, this line has also developed to the use of capillary electrophoresis in order to calculate the xenobiotics’ affinity (drugs, pesticides) by the main plasmatic proteins, including xenobiotic chirals, to evaluate its enantiodifferentiation. An idea to develop consists of the results based on the techniques (chromatographic and electrophoretic), experimental (“in quimico”) in order to validate results obtained y computational strategies (“in silico” via “Docking Molecular”), in front of the lack of “in vivo” data in many cases to contrast the estimations. In vitro studies of enzymatic reaction inhibition have also been taken up as well as those related to the field of parameter estimation related to metabolism.