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Languages Learning Centres

At the Languages Learning Centre (centre d’aprenentatge de llengües, or CAL) you will find some resources for improving your Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Polish or Japanese, as well as everything you need to learn Catalan, English, French, German and Italian.

Access to the CAL is open to the university community, to Alumni UV Premium members and UV's Language Centre students.

Resources and materials
  • Dictionaries, grammars and vocabularies
  • Manuals of diferent levels and skills
  • Conversation guides
  • Computers and on-line resources
  • Audiobooks and new book releases 
  • Music and movies
  • Test models



Location, contact and opening hours

Blasco Ibáñez Languages Learning Centre

 963 937 608
 9 – 20 h
 Gascó Oliag, 5, FCAFE – Physiotherapy, ground floor | 46010 València

Advice for learning Catalan
Maria Sirera Conca
 963 983 048

Advice for learning English and French
Núria Plot i Agustí
 963 937 726

Burjassot-Paterna Languages Learning Centre

 963 543 200
 9 – 20 h
 Dr. Moliner, 50, Science Library, ground floor | 46100 Burjassot

Advice for learning Catalan
Càrol Delgado Medina
 963 544 519

Advice for learning English
Graeme Berman
 963 544 080

Els Tarongers Languages Learning Centre

 963 828 918
 9 – 20 h
 Av. dels Tarongers, s/n, North Classrooms Building, ground floor | 46022 València

Advice for learning Catalan
Maties Marí i Muñoz
 963 937 723

Advice for learning English and German
Guillem Calaforra i Castellano
 961 625 360

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