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The Xavier Gómez i Font Awards for the quality of language in bachelor's and master's theses aim for the promotion of the good use of Catalan and English in academic writing. These awards also want to encourage the academic use of Catalan and to encourage the use of English as a tool for the internationalisation of the University.

2024 Call


University of Valencia students


Bachelor's and master's theses entirely written, and defended if so, in Catalan or English by students of the University of Valencia enrolled in the academic year 2023-2024. Applications for this award can only be made once projects have been completed and registered. 

Deadline for submission

From 1 June to 15 October 2024. OPEN

The resolution of the awards will be published on 30 November on this page and also on the official UV official board.

Financial envelope

15 awards of €600 for theses written in Catalan or English.

Documents and application form
