The Languages Service supports teaching and research in Catalan with the following services:
- Proofreading in Catalan of resources and texts for teaching and scientific disclosure.
- Translation into Catalan of teaching materials.
- Language consultancy in Catalan to help with questions and issues about speciality languages.
Belonging to the teaching and research staff of the University of Valencia.
- Doctoral theses, as well as resources and publications for personal use, are excluded.
Presentation of originals
Please revise your texts and activate the spellchecker before sending them for proofreading. Texts that do not reach a minimum standard of quality may be declined.
Authors are requested to make a proper revision of texts written in any language and then translated into Catalan using translation tools. If the texts do not meet this requirement, they will be delivered back to the author to adjust. In this case, please always attach the original version, if possible.
We recommend using the following resources to write your texts or before any enquiries:
- Termcat, terminology in different languages and queries service
- DIEC2, dictionary of the Institute for Catalan Studies
- Diccionari normatiu valencià, dictionary of the Valencian Academy of Language
- Gran diccionari de la llengua catalana, dictionary of the Enciclopèdia Catalana
- Optimot, monolingual, bilingual and terminological dictionary with resolution of doubts
- Gramàtica zero, a simplified grammar of frequent doubts
- Criteris lingüístics per als usos institucionals de les universitats valencianes (Linguistic criteria for institutional uses of Valencian universities)
Delivery of translations and proofreading
Delivery periods try to adjust to your necessities whenever the minimum margin of 3 working days is respected. These deadlines may change depending on the specificity of the terminology, the linguistic quality of the original text or the workload of the Service.
Besides translated or revised texts, the proof-reader might send doubts and changes for the author to keep in mind.
The version of the teaching materials that is revised or translated by the Service will be available for students through the virtual classroom of the subject.
Application form
Send your request to Please, write in the body text:
- Full name of the professor
- Name of the department
- Name of the subject
- Degree
- Date in which you need to use every attached lesson or file
The documents must consist of editable files using Microsoft Office or any other compatible software.
These services aim to help teaching and research staff to improve the linguistic quality of their teaching materials. If you consider that your material has good quality of language, you can apply directly for an award.