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Subvenciones para proyectos e iniciativas en materia de memoria histórica y demo
Grants for projects and initiatives in the field of historical and democratic memory

The Regional Department of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality has published the awarding of grants to public universities in the Valencian Community for the implementation, during the 2022 financial year, of projects and initiatives in the Valencian Community, aimed at research, promotion and dissemination of Valencian historical and democratic memory.


Information on this can be found in the following links:

Summary of the call

Web of the call

The deadline for submitting applications is 6th August 2022, but in order to guarantee the correct processing and to avoid any incidences, you must send us the documentation by 3rd August at 2 p.m.


More information available at (processing enquires); (budget enquires) and (recruitment enquires).



ScheduleFrom 27 july 2022 to 3 august 2022. Every day at 09:00 to 14:00.


Research Management Service

Organized by

Regional Department of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality.

