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Description and justification of the updates/modifications of the curriculum.In the Guide for Monitoring university degrees of the AVAP, are defined the standards in which this evaluation is based and are the following:

1. Information for society and prospective students

 The Universitat publishes on its website the information about the monitored official degree, the needs of prospective students and the visibility of relevant information for society.

 Aspects to evaluate:

  • Description of the degree, which includes its name, credits, centers where is taught and places offered.
  • General and specific competencies developed by the degree.
  • If necessary, to specify the professional attributions obtained when completing the degree (only in case of a degree linked with a regulated profession).
  • Specification of the academic pathway/ specialties developed by the degree, if it is pointed out in the Curriculum.
  • Continuance standards
  • Recognition and credits transfer regulations
  • Entrance profile (entrance and admission requirements to the degree, Special university entrance examinations, if necessary)
  • Enrollment previous information (documents to submit, deadlines, etc.)
  • Verification report by ANECA and AVAP report and its recommendations

2. Information on the development and operation of the degree Aspects to evaluate:

Aspects to evaluate:

  • Availability and adequacy of teaching guides (competencies, contents, methodology, teaching language, assessment system, bibliography, etc.)
  • Time planning of teaching which includes the structure of the curriculum, timetables, rooms.
  • List of professors who teach the subjects, indicating their teaching category.
  • How the former curriculum is phased out and the implementation of adaptation courses.
  • Work placements information (credits, organisation, type of companies, tutors profiles …) if is pointed out in the curriculum.
  • Explanation of the development of the Undergraduate Degree final projects (organisation, type of tutor, defense and presentation criteria of the project, type of project)
  • Students’ mobility (mobility organisation by degrees, centres, exchange programmes…)
  • Achievement of the competencies established in the curriculum of the degree (procedural established in the degree for assessing the progress and learning outcomes of students)
    • Regarding this, a large number of Undergraduate Degree final projects could be requested, in order to find the evidences needed for justifying that students have acquired the competencies/learning outcomes established.

3.- Curriculum updates/modifications

Aspects to evaluate:

  • Description and justification of the updates/modifications of the curriculum.

4.- Recommendations outlined in the external evaluation reports

Aspects to evaluate

  • Actions developed for the recommendations proposed in the verification report and the AVAP if necessary.
  • Actions carried out for the recommendations established in the monitoring reports prepared by the AVAP.

5.- Evaluation of the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ)

Aspects to evaluate:

  • Development of the Internal Quality Assurance System, in relation to the degree under monitoring with the identification of the deficiencies found and the decisions adopted for its solution.
  • Development of the Internal Quality Assurance System procedures planned in the summary presented to the VERIFICA programme (implementation process and results obtained).
  • Analysis of the indicators established in the Internal Quality Assurance System (at least, the indicators included in the Royal Decree 1393/2007 and those established in the monitoring) and if necessary improvement actions developed from the analysis of results.
  • Decision making regarding to the curriculum based on the development of the Internal Quality Assurance System.

6.- Evaluation indicators

The indicators initially proposed for monitoring degrees, according to the document developed by CURSA Working Group are the following: (see appendix which describes the indicators):

  • Degree performance rate
  • Degree dropping off rate
  • Efficiency rate of graduates
  • Degree graduation rate

Other indicators that offer information on the supply and demand adequacy and professional requirements connected with quality requirements in the implementation of new official degrees are proposed:

  • Supply and demand relationship rate
  • Enrollment rate
  • PDI (Teaching and research staff) doctors rate
  • Full time PDI rate