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The Evaluation Protocol: Follow-up of undergraduate and master's degrees in the Valencian Community defines the criteria on which this evaluation is based. They are as follows:



The student training programme is up to date and has been implemented according to the conditions set out in the verified report and/or its subsequent modifications. 

Aspects to be assessed:

  1. The implementation of the curriculum and the organisation of the training programme are consistent with the profile of skills and the objectives set out in the verification report and/or its subsequent modifications, ensuring student-centred learning. 
  2. The programme has mechanisms for coordinating the teaching staff (horizontal and vertical articulation between the different subjects) that allow both the correct allocation of the student’s workload and the correct planning of the timetable, thus guaranteeing the achievement of the learning outcomes. 
  3. The admission criteria ensure that students have the appropriate entry profile to study this course. Furthermore, its application respects the number of places offered in the verified report and/or its subsequent modifications.  
  4. The application of the different academic regulations (office on-site hours, recognition, etc.) is correctly applied and allows to improve the values of the academic performance indicators. 


The institutions are required to publish clear, precise, objective, updated and easily accessible information on their activities and programmes. 

Aspects to be assessed:

  1. The heads of the programme publish adequate and updated information on the characteristics of the training programme, its development and its results, as well as its follow-up and accreditation processes, facilitating the access to this information for people with functional diversity.
  2. The information necessary for decision-making by students and other interested parties in the national and international university system is easily accessible. 
  3. The students enrolled in the programme have access to relevant information about the curriculum and the established learning outcomes, whenever needed. 


The institution has a formally established and implemented internal quality assurance system that ensures effective continuous improvement of the programme. 

Aspects to be assessed:

  1. The implemented IQAS ensures the collection and continuous analysis of information and relevant results for the efficient management of the programmes, in particular the learning and satisfaction outcomes of the target groups. 
  2. The implemented IQAS facilitates the follow-up, modification and accreditation process of the programme, ensuring its continuous improvement through the analysis of objective and verifiable data.  
  3. The implemented IQAS has procedures for evaluating and improving the quality of the teaching-learning process. 



The institutions must ensure the competence of their teaching staff. They must also use fair and transparent procedures to recruit and train their staff. 

Aspects to be assessed:

  1. The teaching staff have the academic qualifications required for the programme and has the required professional, teaching and research experience. 
  2. The teaching staff is sufficient, has the appropriate commitment to the development of its activities and promotes innovative teaching methods. 
  3. The university provides mechanisms for teachers to be continuously updated and trained, taking due account of the characteristics of the programme and the teaching-learning process.
  4. The university has implemented the commitments and recommendations contained in the verification report and has approved the recruitment and improvement of the teaching and research qualifications of the teaching staff. 


The institutions must have sufficient financial resources to develop teaching and learning activities and to ensure the student support, as well as sufficient easily accessible learning resources. 

Aspects to be assessed:

  1. The institution has support staff who participate in the training activities and who are appropriate according to the type and modality of the programme, the number of students enrolled and the skills they need to acquire.
  2. The institution has material resources for the development of the programme that are appropriate according to the type and modality of the programme, the number of students enrolled and the skills they need to acquire. 
  3. The institution has support services for the development of the programme that are appropriate according to the type and modality of the programme, the number of students enrolled and the skills they need to acquire. 



The learning outcomes for graduates are consistent with the graduate profile and correspond to the level of the programme’s MECES (Spanish qualifications framework for higher education). 

Aspects to be assessed:

  1. The training activities, their teaching methods and assessment systems are appropriate and adapted to the achievement of the established learning outcomes. 
  2. The learning outcomes achieved meet the objectives of the training programme and are appropriate to its MECES level.


The results of the training programme indicators are consistent with the design, the management and the resources available to the programme, and meet the social requirements of its environment through periodic assessment. 

Aspects to be assessed:

  1. The evolution of the main data and indicators of the programme (number of new students per academic year, enrolment rate, graduation rate, dropout rate, efficiency rate, performance rate and success rate) is appropriate, according to the thematic area and the environment of the programme, and is consistent with the characteristics of the new students and with the forecasts established in the verified report.
  2. The satisfaction of students, teaching staff, graduates and other target groups is appropriate.