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Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum -Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication

The Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communicationaims to promote quality employment and offer a unique opportunity to connect students and graduates of the Humanities branch with the human resources managers of the participanting entities (more than a dozen).

Different activities are scheduled throughout the morning (a talk, a round table, a workshop and a “speed networking”) where companies will publicize their organizations and report on the professional profiles they demand.

The registration for the activities is optional and free, but advisable.


Date 22 october 2019 at 09:30 to 14:00. Tuesday.


-Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication (Blasco Ibáñez 32, 46010 València)

Organized by

Universitat de València

Vice-principal for Employment and Training Programmes


General Foundation of the Universitat de València

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication.




More information