The Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication holds the following degrees: Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Double Degree in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism, English studies, Hispanic studies, Catalan philology, Classical Philology, Modern Languages and their Literatures, and Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation, Master's Degree in Advanced English Studies; Master's Degree in Audiovisual Contents and Formats, Master's Degree in Hispanic Studies: Applications and Research, Master's Degree in Language and Literature Research, Master's Degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation, Master's Degree in New Journalism, Political Communication and Knowledge Society.
The Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication is governed by the Faculty Board, which is composed by the Dean, who chairs it, 24 Teaching and Researching Staff representatives, a Researching Staff in Training representative, 4 Technical, Management, Administration and Service Staff representatives, and 13 students. The Board discusses and decides on subjects concerning the organization and provision of services of the Faculty. All members of the Faculty can attend the committees: teachers, administrative and services staff and students. Anyone can have a voice, but the right to vote is reserved to those who have been expressly elected for the Faculty Board.
The Dean’s team is responsible for the daily management of the Faculty, which is currently composed by the Dean, the secretary and six vice-deans with different responsibilities. You can see the team member’s competences, their e-mail and their office hours on this website.
There’s also a number of working committees with representatives from all departments and fields, as well as students, the mission of which is to oversee different fields of the Faculty in little groups.