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Paloma Borjas Marín. Modern Languages and Literatures

21 june 2018

I have known since I was a child that I wanted to dedicate myself to teaching and that I was very attracted to languages. That is why I chose this degree with the aim of specializing in two languages and deepening my knowledge of their culture, with the idea of beginning my journey towards the world of education.

My time at university has taught me a lot, but I would like to highlight a couple of things. First of all, the university shows you the wide range of future options available to you, because many people believe that those of us who study languages can only be teachers, but the reality is quite different. So, now I know that although I want to dedicate myself to teaching, many of my colleagues will be future researchers, translators or interpreters, among others.

The second thing I would like to highlight is the great personal development and intellectual openness I have experienced thanks to the ERASMUS+ international mobility programme that I completed in the 3rd year. This context of mixing cultures encourages the creation of a more united and supportive Europe. In addition, I discovered a new interest in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, another way of teaching languages that had never crossed my mind before.

As for the content of my particular degree, I think that the combination of the subjects of culture and literature together with those of language, linguistics and translation allows students to create a sufficiently defined set of the cultures of the languages we specialise in. On the other hand, I consider that the work of entering these cultures, during and after the degree, is an autonomous and indispensable work that has to take place in parallel with the study of the degree. I also advise participation in external internships, as they are a good option to get closer to what we hope will one day be our future work.