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I Conference on Animal Ethics in Humanities

  • October 5th, 2021
Image de la noticia

Universitat de València’s research group Culturas literarias y visuales del animal (CULIVIAN), of the Department of English and German and in collaboration with the research project Animal y espectáculo en el teatro francés actual (1979-2016): zooescenografía e industria del actor no humano _(MINECO FFI2017-84475), of the Department of French and Italian, organises the event _I Jornadas de Ética Animal en las Humanidades (I Conference on Animal Ethics in Humanities).

The conference will be held at the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication’s assembly hall, throughout November 4th and 5th, in a both online and face-to-face format. Entry is free, although prior registration is necessary for acquiring online access and an attendance certificate.

To all interested people: please, send an e-mail to and specifying full name, DNI (ID card) and attendance format (face-to-face/online) to confirm registration.

