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VI International Day JOLIN2021: Illustrated Sciencia

  • December 2nd, 2021
Image de la noticia

JOLIN was born thanks to the lecturers Julia Haba Osca and Maricel Esteban Fonollosa at the English and German Philology Department in 2016, with the desire to deepen in literary, social, educational and visual studies through illustrated literature (picture books, novels graphics, photo-textual world, comics, etc.), a literary modality that is often neglected despite its social tradition and its impact on the publishing world.

Over time, the idea of ​​exploring textual genres that incorporate a multimodal element as a central axis, such as the image, has become a participatory space for the collective construction of knowledge with the collaboration of different university, artistic and social agents that, rooted in the basic principles of emancipatory education, they have shown the express will to work for a university that is committed to the sustainability of life, language and a traditionally so-called minority culture.

The current situation we live in (social, economic, cultural, political, health, etc.) makes it urgent to consider precisely these spaces for reflection where we can critically question the society that surrounds us through humanism, education and culture, reflecting on the role of social agents.

Therefore, and with the support of Senior Lecturer Francisco González-Sala, from the Developmental and Education Psychology Department at the University of Valencia, we conceived "JOLIN2021 - ILLUSTRATED SCIENCE" as a platform to echo and we bet on this call for a conference that revolves around the synergies between the humanities and the experimental, natural and behavioral sciences, and the meeting points and common projects that connect all these areas of knowledge. JOLIN2021 aims to go beyond the merely linguistic-artistic-literary facet and bet on the transfer of knowledge in the construction of political subjects, together with its processes of awareness and empowerment in the field of science.

In addition, JOLIN2021 will have all the technological innovations (retransmission and video recording) expanding its multimodal nature and will incorporate both synchronous and asynchronous online sessions, along with face-to-face workshops that allow the use and promotion of Valencian not only in (illustrated) literature but also as a language in common use among members of the university community and those who aspire to be.

The conference will feature leading professionals who will share with us their experience, experience and research on illustrated literature and comics, with particular emphasis on ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE and EXPERIMENTAL, NATURAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES.

Admission is free and will have both a face-to-face and online modality.

Streaming link:

December 9th, 2021:

December 10th, 2021:






