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  • CG1: Students should be able to work as a team, communicate their own ideas and integrate themselves into group projects aimed at achieving results.
  • CG2: Students should have the capacity and creativity to take expressive and thematic risks within the availability and time constraints of the communicative production, applying solutions and perspectives based on the development of the projects.
  • CG3: Students should be able to adapt to technological and socio-occupational changes.
  • CG4: Students should be able to obtain and select relevant information and sources in order to solve problems and elaborate on strategies.
  • CG5: Students should possess the ability to organise and plan their tasks, performing them in an orderly manner and prioritising the journalistic processes in a logical manner.
  • CG6: Students should show solidarity with people across the planet, as well as knowledge of the main cultural currents in relation to individual and collective values and respect for human life.