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  • 16143: Know the main translation techniques and standards in their socio-cultural context.
  • 16142: Have translation competence (direct and/or reverse) for specialised texts (in various subject areas).
  • 16141: Have translation competence (direct and/or reverse) for general texts.
  • 16140: Have and apply general knowledge in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16139: Have and apply general knowledge in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16138: Conocer la gramática y desarrollar las competencias comunicativas en lengua(s) extranjera(s), aplicadas a la traducción y mediación interlingüística, hasta alcanzar un nivel de competencias comunicativas C1 consolidado y umbral C2, según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER) (lenguas B).
  • 16137: Tener iniciativa y desarrollar un espíritu emprendedor y de cooperación, así como ser capaz de generar nuevas ideas en el ámbito de la traducción y la mediación interlingüística.
  • 16136: Apply quality criteria to work in the field of translation and linguistic mediation, following the specifications of the European quality standard EN-15038:2006.
  • 17800: Adapt to different work environments in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 17799: Work and learn autonomously and plan and manage work time in the field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 17798: Work as a team in the environment of translation and linguistic mediation and develop interpersonal relations.
  • 17797: Apply information and communication technologies and computer tools to translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 17796: Design and manage projects in the academic or professional field of translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 17795: Show ethical commitment in the field of translation and linguistic mediation as regards gender equality, equal opportunities, the values of the culture of peace and democratic values and environmental and sustainability issues, and have an understanding and appreciation of linguistic diversity and multiculturalism.
  • 15225: Students must have developed the learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.
  • 15224: Students must be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both expert and lay audiences.
  • 15223: Students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their field of study) to make judgements that take relevant social, scientific or ethical issues into consideration.
  • 15222: Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have acquired the competences required for the preparation and defence of arguments and for problem solving in their field of study.
  • 15221: Students must have acquired knowledge and understanding in a specific field of study, on the basis of general secondary education and at a level that includes mainly knowledge drawn from advanced textbooks, but also some cutting-edge knowledge in their field of study.
  • 16144: Have competence in direct and/or reverse interpreting of general texts.
  • 16145: Master new information and communication technologies applied to translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16146: Master documentation techniques for translation and linguistic and cultural mediation.
  • 16147: Know, use and create terminological databases and lexicographic tools that are significant for translation and linguistic mediation.
  • 16148: Know socio-political and economic institutions in at least two cultural fields.
  • 16149: Know legal and administrative institutions from at least two cultural fields.