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Workshop on how to write the impact of an H2020 proposal

  • November 14th, 2019
Workshop on how to write the impact of an H2020 proposal

Place: Universitat de València's Rectorate Main Hall. Date: 19th November 2019

The Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer and the Vice-Rectorate for Research invite Universitat de Valencia's staff to take part in the workshop How to Write the Impact of a Horizon 2020 Proposal. This three-hour workshop will be conducted in English and will take place on Tuesday 18th November 2019 at 9 h. at the Rectorate's main hall.

The workshop will focus on one of the key criteria in the assessment of H2020 proposals: impact. The aim is to learn its meaning and scope, as well as to provide researchers and research support staff the necessary tools to write the contents of this section in their project proposals. The workshop will be conducted by Dr Sean McCarthy of Hyperion Ltd. (www.hyperion.ie). Dr McCarthy has been active in over 60 Framework projects. In four of these projects he was the Exploitation Manager responsible for preparing the Plan for Use and Dissemination of Knowledge. Since 1998 over 30,000 participants have attended his courses in 27 countries. He has presented training courses on the Framework programmes in over 210 research centres throughout Europe.

Taking into account the fact that the workshop is of a specific nature, priority will be given to those who worked previously in the preparation of proposals for EU framework programmes. Similarly, participant's motivation will be considered. Registration must be made online before Monday 18th November at 15.00 h. The email of the Workshop Secretariat is proah2020@uv.es
