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Blasco Ibáñez Campus

UVjob Blasco Ibáñez - Agencia de Colocación

C/ Amadeu de Savoia, 4.

46010. Valencia

Phone number: 961625901


Opening hours:Monday to Friday (except Tuesday up to 11AM), from 9 AM to 2 PM  and Monday afternoon, 4-6 PM (visit-by-appointment)

Summer timetable (June to August): closed in the afternoon.

For any UVjob Employment Agency services, get in contact with the OPAL office in Blasco Ibáñez.

Burjassot Campus

“Eduard Boscà” Science Library

C/ Dr.Moliner, 50.

46100- Burjassot

Phone number: 961625901


Opening hours:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday  from 9 AM to 2 PM  and Monday afternoon, 4-6 PM (visit-by-appointment)

Summer timetable (June to August): closed in the afternoon.

School of Engeneering (ETSE)

 Level 0, room 003 (next to reading room)

Avinguda de la Universitat s/n
46100 Burjassot, València

Opening hours:

Thursday from 9 AM to 2 PM  a(visit-by-appointment)

Tarongers Campus

Aulari Nord– Campus Tarongers (Southern Lecture Room Building)

Phone number: 961625901 (extension 25901)


Opening hours:

Opening hours:Monday to Friday (except Tuesday up to 11AM), from 9 AM to 2 PM  and Monday afternoon, 4-6 PM (visit-by-appointment)

Summer time (June to August): Closed in the afternoon

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