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Calls Periods
Call 195 (Associate Professor due to mobility)

RESOLUTION of June 18, 2024, of the Rectorate of the University of Valencia, by which the call for the provision of vacant positions of the university teaching staff of tenured university professors is published. 

BOE 25-06-2024

Submission of applications:: from June 26 to July 23, 2024 (both included)

Call 194 (Full Professors. Internal promotion)

RESOLUTION of June 13, 2024, of the Rectorate of the University of Valencia, publishing the competitive call to access university teaching positions through internal promotion is published.

BOE 19-06-2024

Submission of applications: from June 20 to July 18, 2024 (both included)

Call 193 (Associate Professor)


RESOLUTION of June 13, 2024, of the Rectorate of the University of Valencia, publishing the competitive call to access to university teaching positions is published.

BOE 22-06-2024

Submission of applications: from June 25 to July 22, 2024 (both included)

Call 192 (Full Professors. Internal promotion)

RESOLUTION of May 31, 2024, of the Rectorate of the University of Valencia, publishing the competitive call to access university teaching positions through internal promotion is published.

Correction of error plaza 5760 (code 44/2024), knowledge area “Administrative Law”. BOE 06-14-2024.

BOE 10-06-2024

Submission of applications: from June 11 to July 9, 2024 (both included)

Call 191 (Associate Professors, incorporation of PdD research staff I3 certificate and accredit links with the programme indicated in Annex I)

RESOLUTION of June 26, 2024 of the University of Valencia, by which the final list of those admitted and excluded in the public competition is made public, for the provision of places in the University Teaching Staff, intended for the incorporation of personnel doctoral researcher, summoned by Resolution of April 30, 2024 (B.O.E. May 9, 2024).

Bulletin board

Claims period: from June 27th to July 26th, 2024 (both included)

RESOLUTION of June 10, 2024 of the University of Valencia, by which the provisional list of those admitted and excluded in the public competition is made public, for the provision of places in the body of University Professors, intended for the incorporation of personnel doctoral researcher, summoned by Resolution of April 30, 2024 (B.O.E. May 9, 2024).

Bulletin board

Claims period: from June 11th to June 25th, 2024 (both included)

RESOLUTION 30 April 2024, of yhe Rectorate of University of Valencia, publishing the competitive call to access university teaching positions aimed at the incorporation of doctoral research staff who have obtained the I3 certificate within the framework of research excellence programmes.

BOE 09-05-2024

Submission of applications: from May 9th to June 6th, 2023 (both included)