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International programmes of mobility exchange

Program course 2025-2026


XXII International Week of the University of Valencia, from November 4 to 8, 2024. During this week, the International Relations and Cooperation Service, in collaboration with all the Faculties and Schools of the University, will announce the exchange programs for stays abroad in the 2025-2026 academic year.

The application period for the 2025-26 International Program scholarship will be open from November 4 to 22, both inclusive.

If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, we recommend that you check the "language requirement" tab to see if you have the language required for the destinations you are interested in.


Last update: 01/08/2024


Program course 2024-2025


 International Program Information Session

XXI International Week of the University of Valencia, from 6 to 10 November 2023. During this week, the International Relations and Cooperation Service, in collaboration with all the Faculties and Schools of the University, has presented the exchange programs for stays abroad during the course. 2024-2025.

  • Presentation of the International Program 2024-2025
  • Information Sessions of the International Program 2024-2025. If you have not been able to attend the information sessions of the XXI International Week you can watch the recording of the International Program session on our YouTube channel here.


The call for the International Mobility Program for the 2024-2025 academic year has been published. The application submission period will remain open from November 6 to 24, 2023. Applications must be submitted online through the Student Services Portal. More information here.


Links to information about the 2024-2025 International Program


General information

Requirements to participate in the International Outgoing Program

The grants are awarded to students of the University of Valencia Degree who wish to study a semester or a complete course in universities of non-European countries.

To be able to participate will be required:

  1. Have passed 42 credits at the end of the course prior to the publication of the call.
  2. Be enrolled in official studies of the University of Valencia Degree, both at the time of making the application and during the period of stay.
  3. Not having been previously beneficiaries of an International Mobility Program of the University of Valencia, although it was through another degree.
  4. Not to be beneficiary in the same course of any other mobility program (SICUE or Erasmus), except for the Erasmus Practices program if it is in a different semester.
  5. To prove the level of language in the terms established in the call. More information here.
  6. The award is conditional on compliance with the mobility rules of each degree adopted by the centers to which they belong. These centers will decide, if applicable, on the exclusion of the affected students.
  7. Meet the specific requirements of the destinations they request.

Due to the special characteristics of some studies in the United States and Canada, the students of Economics, Law or Pharmacy can find problems to be accepted by the university of destination. In some cases, they accept them if they take subjects from other degrees. If they are not accepted they will lose the place.

The Faculty of Medicine does not participate in the International Program nor as a student transmitter or as a recipient.

Selection criteria

The applications will be prioried according to the difference between the average grade of the student's academic record and the average mark of their degree at the end of the 2022-2023 academic year.


The agreements of the International Program are not signed by degree but by university. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the web of the university of destination to make sure that the degree sought is taught, and that is offered to exchange students:

Destinations: check the list of our website  (Here you can access the website of each destination university and check if they offer your degree to exchange students)

Destinations: check the list through portalumne  (Here you can see the required linguistic requirement)

NOTICE: the required language requirement is the one that appears in portalalumne (point 3 of the call)


Mobility type

Only face-to-face mobility is allowed.


Last update:  13/11/2023


Program course 2023-2024


 International Program Information Session

XX International Week of the University of Valencia, from 7 to 11 November 2022. During this week, the International Relations and Cooperation Service, in collaboration with all the Faculties and Schools of the University, has presented the exchange programs for stays abroad during the course. 2023-2024.


The call for the International Mobility Program for the 2023-2024 academic year has been published. The application submission period will remain open from November 7 to 25, 2022. Applications must be submitted online through the Student Services Portal. More information here.


Links to information about the 2023-2024 International Program


General information

Requirements to participate in the International Outgoing Program

The grants are awarded to students of the University of Valencia Degree who wish to study a semester or a complete course in universities of non-European countries.

To be able to participate will be required:

  1. Have passed 42 credits at the end of the course prior to the publication of the call.
  2. Be enrolled in official studies of the University of Valencia Degree, both at the time of making the application and during the period of stay.
  3. Not having been previously beneficiaries of an International Mobility Program of the University of Valencia, although it was through another degree.
  4. Not to be beneficiary in the same course of any other mobility program (SICUE or Erasmus), except for the Erasmus Practices program if it is in a different semester.
  5. To prove the level of language in the terms established in the call. More information here.
  6. The award is conditional on compliance with the mobility rules of each degree adopted by the centers to which they belong. These centers will decide, if applicable, on the exclusion of the affected students.
  7. Meet the specific requirements of the destinations they request.

Due to the special characteristics of some studies in the United States and Canada, the students of Economics, Law or Pharmacy can find problems to be accepted by the university of destination. In some cases, they accept them if they take subjects from other degrees. If they are not accepted they will lose the place.

The Faculty of Medicine does not participate in the International Program nor as a student transmitter or as a recipient.

Selection criteria

The applications will be prioried according to the difference between the average grade of the student's academic record and the average mark of their degree at the end of the 2021/2022 academic year.


The agreements of the International Program are not signed by degree but by university. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the web of the university of destination to make sure that the degree sought is taught, and that is offered to exchange students:

Destinations: check the list of our website  (Here you can access the website of each destination university and check if they offer your degree to exchange students)

Destinations: check the list through portalumne  (Here you can see the required linguistic requirement)

NOTICE: the required language requirement is the one that appears in portalalumne (point 3 of the call)


Mobility type

Only face-to-face mobility is allowed.


Last update:  18/11/2022


Program course 2022-2023


 International Program Information Session

From 8 to 12 November 2021 will take place the XIX International Week of the University of Valencia. During this week, the International Relations and Cooperation Service, in collaboration with all the Faculties and Schools of the University, presents to all students the exchange programs for stays abroad during the course. 2022-2023.

All degrees: Thursday, November 11, 2021 by videoconference, 12:00 p.m. 

If you could not attend the information session or want to watch it again, you have it available in our YouTube channel by clicking here.

Informative poster


Links to information about the 2022-2023 International Program


General information

Requirements to participate in the International Outgoing Program

The grants are awarded to students of the University of Valencia Degree who wish to study a semester or a complete course in universities of non-European countries.

To be able to participate will be required:

  1. Have passed 42 credits at the end of the course prior to the publication of the call.
  2. Be enrolled in official studies of the University of Valencia Degree, both at the time of making the application and during the period of stay.
  3. Not having been previously beneficiaries of an International Mobility Program of the University of Valencia, although it was through another degree.
  4. Not to be beneficiary in the same course of any other mobility program (SICUE or Erasmus), except for the Erasmus Practices program if it is in a different semester.
  5. To prove the level of language in the terms established in the call. More information here.
  6. The award is conditional on compliance with the mobility rules of each degree adopted by the centers to which they belong. These centers will decide, if applicable, on the exclusion of the affected students.
  7. Meet the specific requirements of the destinations they request.

Due to the special characteristics of some studies in the United States and Canada, the students of Economics, Law or Pharmacy can find problems to be accepted by the university of destination. In some cases, they accept them if they take subjects from other degrees. If they are not accepted they will lose the place.

The Faculty of Medicine does not participate in the International Program nor as a student transmitter or as a recipient.

Selection criteria

The applications will be prioried according to the difference between the average grade of the student's academic record and the average mark of their degree at the end of the 2020/2021 academic year.


The agreements of the International Program are not signed by degree but by university. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the web of the university of destination to make sure that the degree sought is taught, and that is offered to exchange students:

Destinations: check the list of our website  (Here you can see if the university offers your degree)

Destinations: check the list through portalumne  (Here you can see the required linguistic requirement)

NOTICE: the required language requirement is the one that appears in portalalumne (point 3 of the call)


Main changes on the occasion of covid-19:

  • Face-to-face, mixed (blended learning) or virtual (online) mobility is supported.
  • To receive the scholarship it will be necessary to travel to the destination country, with the express permission of the host university.
  • Annual mobilities over seven months will receive the full scholarship.
  • Annual mobility of less than seven months will be considered semi-annual stays for economic purposes.
  • In one semester mobilities, the minimum period of stay to receive financial aid will be three months.

More information about the coronavirus COVID-19 here.


Contacts Degree Coordinators

Before choosing a destination, the possible academic doubts about the studies that you wish to study can be consulted with the different coordinators. Here you can find the list of academic coordinators of the University of Valencia.

Center coordinators

Each center has a center coordinator that promotes and promotes mobility and is the maximum responsible in the center. In the event of absence of your degree coordinator, the center coordinator will assume their functions. Here you can find the list of Coordinators of the Center.


Last update: 17/12/2021



Required documentation 2019-2020

Required documentation for the academic year 2019-2020:


General instructions

1. Before you leave

2. Once you arrive to the host university

3. Once you get back to Valencia

4. Other documents

5. NEW 11/05/2020. Exceptional situation: Covid-19



Before you leave:

 1.- Accept the grant through an online form ENTREU, choosing the procedure entitled Acceptació Beca Programa Internacional 2019-2020 

Deadline to accept the grant:

  • Students with a place awarded to universities in North America, Asia, Australia and Russia: until February 26, 2019.
    Students with a place awarded to universities in Latin America: until March 29, 2019.

During the acceptance procedure you shall indicate, among other things, an account number for Banco Santander or OpenBank, of which you must be the owner.

* You shall take into account that if the deadline to present the request at the host university is prior to that established by the UV, you shall accept the grant attending to the deadline stablished by the host university.

Not accepting the grant before the deadline means the withdrawal to the assigned place.

Once you accept the grant, you will obtain an official nomination letter, which can be downloaded in PDF by referring to ENTREU.

2.- Apply to the host university: The bestowal of an International Programme grant does not imply an automatic acceptance by the host university.  You shall present, within the stablished deadlines and conditions, the application form along with all the requested documentation.

3.-Confirm your Study Contract (Learning Agreement) with the Academic Mobility coordinator of the degree. You can check the attention hours for student in the Department’s site. You must fill in the initial Learning Agreement through the Portal Serveis Estudiant so that you can enrol in international credits. You have to complete the Learning Agreement (preferably in June) and your academic coordinator must sign it. On the contrary, you won’t be able to make use of the Self-Enrolment.

Tutorial on the learning agreement

4.- Make the self-enrolment in international credits. Before you leave, you have to confirm your enrolment in the Universitat de València, just as in any other academic year. Once the learning agreement has been set and signed by the academic coordinator, your Self-Enrolment will show the international credits, which represents the subjects included within the Learning Agreement. Additionally, you can also enrol in other subjects to be taken at the UV during the same year you carry out your mobility stay but always respecting the maximum number of credits specified at the enrolment regulations. 

5.- Get a health insurance As your destination is not within the European Union, you will need an international insurance.  Some foreign universities may require for you to abide by the offered policies; in other cases, you may do it on the company of your preference as long as it covers the following things:

  • Medical and sanitary care both in case of accident or in case of illness (required). Some foreign universities need a minimum fee for the coverage. Check their Website.
  • Repatriation or sanitary transportation for harmed or sick people (required).
  • Repatriation or transportation in case of death (required).
  • Family transportation in case of illness or death (recommended).
  • Legal liability (required).

The Universtat de València is one of the Spanish universities adhered to OnCampus, a company specialised on insurances for the university community. If you want to see the Oncampus coverages, click here

By referring to this link you can get your insurance online- which covers all the required aspects established by the Universitat de València in its International Programme. 

More information on the health insurance

An insurance is a must among the needed documents for the payment of the grant’s first instalment.  Hence, you must process it before you leave and send us a copy once you arrive to your destination, always following the guideline stablished at the “once you arrive to the host university” section.

6.- Process an entry visa for the country of destination: most countries request an entry visa which you must process at the country’s embassy or consulate. The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairsholds a great data base on the necessary procedures in each country. It is a good start but you need to request information and process it at the country of destination’s embassy or consulate. You will need a letter of acceptance by the host university.

When travelling to a foreign country it is important to take into account that it is not enough to buy a plane ticket and pack clothes, it is necessary to take into account other aspects which are necessary for you wellbeing and tranquillity.  At the site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs you can find travelling recommendations; paying special attention to questions related to safety.

7.- Vaccinations They may be mandatory (you will be requested at the time of issuing the visa) or advisable. Plan vaccines with time, as some of them are given in several doses with resting periods in between them.  Here you have a list of vaccinating centres in Valencia Check the recommendations given by the Ministry of Health for international trips.

8.- Register in the Traveller’s Register and in the Spanish closest Embassy or Consulate to where you are carrying out your stay. This regristation is mandatory. Read the information published in the following link to know the advantages of doing this procedure: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/es/ServiciosAlCiudadano/SiViajasAlExtranjero/Paginas/QueDeboHacerAntesDeViajarAlExtranjero.aspx


Once you arrive to the host university:

You shall include within the ENTREU procedure the so-called “Expedient Programa Internacional 2019-2020- Destinació ” with the following documents:

  • Certification of arrival signed and stamped at the host university’s office of International Relations.
  • Copy of the health insurance with the coverage it includes and where the insurance’s deadline must also be included, also your name as insured.

Important: in order to get the first payment of the grant (70% of the total amount) you must have presented all the documentation specified above. Hence, the grant’s first payment won’t take place unless all the documentation has been sent to the office of international relations.


Once you get back to Valencia:

You shall include within the ENTREU procedure “Beca Programa Internacional-2019-2020-Final” the following documents:

  • Certificate of attendance signed and stamped at the host university. The start and finish dates must be included in the document. The document cannot be signed more than 5 days before your departure.

Important: we cannot deposit the grant’s second payment (30% of the total amount) if some of the above mentioned documentation is missing.
On the other hand, the students shall pass at least 50% of the credits they have enrolled in at the Universitat de València. The aim of the mobility programme is obtaining an academic progress of the stay and that is why the grantes are bestowed. On the contrary, the student shall reintegrate the total amount of money received as the grant.

Other documents:

  • Withdrawal form It shall be handed at the General Registry of Entry of the Universitat de València or send an email from the student mail (... @ alumni.uv.es) to the address programa.internacional@uv.es
  • Extension request: only those extension requests received before 31 December 2019 will be accepted.  The extension means turning a stay of one semester into a year-long stay. The extension request will be send along with the modification of the learning agreement. IMPORTANT: The applications for extension of the study period will not have in any case economic effects. You can extend the period of stay for a full course, provided that the extension does not affect the places available at the university of destination for the following academic year and the requirements of point 5 of the call are met.

Exceptional situation. Covid-19:

NEW (11/05/2020): Indications for students of the University of Valencia that participate in the International Program of the course 2019-20 (this information can change according to the circumstances)


Date of update: 11/05/2020

Contact details

Students will also be served through XatUV.

Contact: Organisation chart and directory

E-mail: relacions.internacionals@uv.es