Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Session within the programme Welfare, Training and Territory Session at Quart de Poblet


The purpose is to deal with issues related to cyberbullying, the responsible use of technological resources, behaviour models, in which it will be stablished some parameters to prevent, and some educational techniques focused on reducing the rates of violence. It will also analysed the possibility of solving conflicts from a sanctioning perspective, other alternatives and mediation.

This conference is within the programme “Welfare, training, territory”, it is developed in all the Valencian regions in the way of roundtables formed by professors of the Universitat de València experts in these topics.

The aim is to contribute the training and transfer of knowledge on local society, on territorial, community and citizen dimensions.

These conferences are open to the general public, especially to social, educational, assistance (teachers, students, municipal technicians, political responsibilities, etc.) collectives.


Date From 14 september 2016 to 14 october 2016. 24h. Every day.


Organized by

Vicerectorat de Participació i Projecció Territorial, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Quart de Poblet y la Diputación de Valencia.


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