Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Introduction to Slavonic languages and cultures workshop
Introduction to Slavonic languages and cultures workshop

The workshops will take place between 13 February and 18 May 2017. There will be no class from 15 to 19 March (Fallas) and from 14 to 24 April (Easter). The sessions have a 90-minute length.

The workshops are free and open to students and staff of the UV. If you do not work or study at the Universitat, you have the option of joining the Associació d’Amics i Antics Alumnes (

The aim is to promote the knowledge, language and culture of each workshop, the multilingual principles and the status of Valencian language as a language for academic activity. Therefore the working languages are the ones being taught in each workshop and Valencian.

The A1+/A2 Ukrainian language and culture workshop is appropriated for people who have some previous knowledge of this language or any other Slavonic language. The Introduction to Slavonic languages and cultures does not require any previous knowledge.

Information and registration:


ScheduleFrom 13 february 2017 to 18 may 2017. Monday and wednesday at 15:30 to 17:00.


Calle del Serpis, 29, Valencia (Tarongers Campus)

Organized by

Servei de Política Lingüística.



More information