Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Sixth Sessions on Quality Units in Spanish Universities

Main yearly reflection and debate forum of the quality units, which is entitled ‘Technical Analysis of Quality Institutional Programmes’


The Sixth Session on Quality Units in Spain Universities, whose organizer is the UV, is an ideal environment to analyse the implantation of some institutional programmes in a field of reference to work for quality units such as the AUDIT, the ACREDITA PLUS and DOCENTIA. Hence, the main challenges and difficulties related to them and will present their experiences and new proposal.

The session has been structured in four one-hour-long thematic debates.

The programme is completed with the opening conference under the charge of Grieken, ANECA’s director, a round table on the main solved and non-solved problems of the degree accreditation processes and a short-video contest done by the universities entitled ‘Learned Lessons’.

  • 25 may 2015 at 09:30 to 21:30. Monday.
  • 26 may 2015 at 09:30 to 15:00. Tuesday.

La Nau - Centro Cultural de la UV

Organized by

Unidad de Calidad.



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