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The social relationships are increasingly valued. Many of them started here, in our classrooms. Is time to take them up and what a better way to do so that in a festive-ludic context such as Trobada Alumni FdE.

The Trobada Alumni FdE is the perfect occasion to spend a nice and relaxed evening with our classroom mates, at the same time that we honour those who celebrate 25 years since they finished their studies.

Each year, that awarded promotion will have the opportunity of showing off the cherished orange sashes that characterise this Faculty. The academic aspect of the event includes at the same time speeches of students and professors, and finishes with a reception dinner in the hall of our Faculty.

We remain hopeful that the tribute after 25 years of study is that excuse that all our classmates were waiting to meet once a year in our home and share good moments. After the 25 years come the 26, and the 27, and...

Information on the next Trobada Alumni FdE

1.- Date and place of the celebration

Date: 24 November 2023 at 19:30 hours.

Location: Faculty of Economics. Avda de los Naranjos, no number. Valencia.

2.- Event programming

3.- Participants

The Trobada aims to become a meeting place for former students, whatever is the year they finished their studies. Specially, we tribute those who finished their licenciatura or diplomatura (former Spanish undergraduate degrees) at the Faculty 25 years ago (or even more, if they could not attend to the previous Trobadas, of another year, if you want to celebrate that with other promotion).

In particular, at the Trobada of this year we will deliver the orange sash to the promotion that finished their studies in 1998.

The organisation thanks the participants of previous years the interest shown in the meeting and asks the former students that spread the meeting through their media so that the call reaches the greatest possible number of mates.

4.- Payment

After the event it will take place a reception dinner in the hall of the Faculty with a price of € 20 per person.

The payment must be made with credit card, secure payment environment of the Sandander Bank.

If you want to come accompanied, you have to make a payment for each one of the attendees.

5. -Photo gallery

If you are not registered as Alumni you can do it in the following link.