Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Welcome! The XI Valencia Summer School in Business and Economics is a high-level training programme organized by the Faculty of Economics (University of Valencia) and sponsored by Fundación la Caixa, the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in Economic Integration-UV, Jean Monnet UV Centre for Excellence (with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union), and the Academy of International Business (Western Europe AIB). The main aim of the summer school is to make valid and rigorous contributions to the selected areas of study. It will encourage interaction between participants and speakers from diverse backgrounds, while allowing for enjoyment of the city of Valencia. This current year the Summer School offers two highly-specialised courses in economics and business, taught by professionals who are leading figures in their field.

A. Course in Economics: Empirical modeling of dynamic firm decisions, June 15th-16th, 2016

Professor: Mark Roberts, The Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, United States​

B. Course in Management: Achieving and sustaining competitive differentiation in international markets, July, 14th-15th, 2016

Professor: Constantine S. Katsikeas, Leeds University Business School, Leeds, United Kingdom​

The summer school is aimed at:

  • Managers
  • Professionals in public administration or private institutions
  • Ph.D. students
  • Lecturers; and
  • Researchers

The main aspects that make the X Valencia Summer School on Business and Economics relevant are:

  • The quality of the lecturers, leading international researchers;
  • The courses offered, contemporary and highly specialised and of great contemporary importance, that constitute invaluable contributions for the issues covered;
  • The approach to teach the courses, that combine theory and practise;
  • The interdisciplinary structure of the school that helps discussions and contact of students from different countries and profiles (students, professionals, etc.); and,
  • The life together, during some days, for teachers and students.

Lessons are taught in ENGLISH