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The Statutes of the University of Valencia attribute to the principal competences relating to the management of the University. To ensure the proper operation of the institution, the principal is provided with an Executive Council, to whom he delegates the management responsibilities of the government of the institution.

The current Executive Council consists of the principal, the general secretary, the general manager, the delegate for Students and following offices of the vice-principal:

  •  Studies
  •  Academic Regulations and Teaching Staff
  • Lifelong Learning, Educational Transformation and Employability
  •  Research
  •  Innovation and Transfer
  •  Culture and Sport 
  •  Internationalisation and Cooperation
  •  Strategy, Quality and Information Technologies
  •  Economics and Infrastructure
  •  Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  •  Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies

The offices of the vice-principal assist the principal in his/her duties and exercise the powers attributed to them to ensure the proper operation of the University of Valencia. The vice-principals are appointed by the principal among members of the University of Valencia who meet legal requirements. Likewise, the principal determines the names of the offices of the vice-principal and defines the matters within their competence.

Task delegation

The Office of the Principal of the Universitat has published the Resolution which delegates taks in Vice-Principals, General Secretariats, managers and other University bodies:

  • Resolution of May the 20th 2022, of the Office of the Principal, approving the delegation of functions to the vice-rectors, the general secretary, the manager and other bodies of this university (DOGV 30-5-2022).
  • Resolution fo June the 8th 2022, of the Principal of the Universitat de València, which publishes the new denomination of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Teaching Transformation to Office of the Vice-Principal fo Lifelong Learning, Educational Transformation and Employment. (DOGV 22-6-2022).
  • Resolution of December the 5th 2023, of the Principal of the University of Valencia, which modifies the delegation of powers in matters of decentralized economic management, approved by Resolution of May the 20th, 2022 (DOGV 9350, 05.30.2022) .