Universitat de ValènciaCSICInstitut de Biologia Integrativa de Sistemes (I2sysbio) Logo del portal

  • Aranda A, Matallana E, del Olmo M. (2011). Yeast. Saccharomyces I. Yeast for primary alcoholic fermentation. Molecular Wine Microbiology. (pp 1-31).
  • Gómez-Pastor R, Pérez-Torrado R, Garre E, Matallana E. (2011). Recent advances in yeast biomass production. Detection, Production and Usage. Vol4 . (pp 1-22).
  • Aranda A, Matallana E, del Olmo M. (2011). Saccharomyces Yeasts I: Primary Fermentation. Molecular Wine Microbiology. (pp 1-31).
  • Matallana E, Aranda A. (2013). Mucho más que alcohol. Acenologia. Revista de Enología Científica y Profesional. Número 140.
  • Gamero-Sandemetrio E, Gómez-Pastor R; Matallana E. (2017) Zymography methods to simultaneously analyze superoxide dismutase and catalase activities: novel application for yeast species identification. Methods in Molecular Biology 1626, (pp189-198).
  • Orozco H, Matallana E, Aranda A. (2019) Stress Response in Yeasts Used for Food Production. Food Molecular Microbiology (pp 183-206).