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On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, the University of Valencia in collaboration with the United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Base in Valencia (UNICTF-V), located in Quart de Poblet, and with the invaluable support of the UN Depositary Library (ONUBIB) -which we have the privilege of having in our university-, we will celebrate on April 22 the online event: "The United Nations that we want." This event converges with the yODSi project of the University of Valencia, coordinated by the Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability and UVSostenibilitat, and with the collaboration of the different Faculties from the University of Valencia.

The day chosen for the celebration is April 22, International Earth Day, because we want to remember that we need to protect biodiversity and take care of (ourselves) in our shared home:  Earth. If we risk the destruction of the diversity of the community of life, life on our Planet - as we know it - will not be possible. Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions and ways of life: we need a shift towards a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the planet.

The online event: "The United Nations that we want" is the result of collaboration between the United Nations and the University of Valencia. It intends for the new generations to experience the leading role they have in shaping the future we want and positioning the 2030 Agenda as a beacon for their future professional and personal performance. Professors and students of the different faculties have been working with enthusiasm in the preparation of this event to awaken reflection, the search and selection of documentary sources, the elaboration of written discourse and public speaking skills. The inauguration will be carried out by the Director of the United Nations Global Services Center, the Rector of the University of Valencia and the President of the Generalitat Valenciana. Afterwards, four dialogue tables will be held: · "Science and Technology at the service of the Sustainable Development Goals and the mitigation of climate change", with the intervention of Fátima Della Bellver and Pablo Rosillo Rodes - students of the University of Valencia: Natalia Bayona , Director of Innovation, Education, and Investments of the UNWTO. Next, the table "Artificial intelligence on a finite planet: challenges of the 2030 Agenda", with the intervention of Amina Abed and Lionel Vasseur Duvivier -students of the University of Valencia- and Joaquín Nieto Sainz, Director of the ILO Office for Spain and Expert in the 2030 Agenda, Yolanda Huerta, Consellera Legal i Directora de Formació i assistència de la UPOV After the rest break, we will have at the table “The digital age from the ethical, historical and socio-anthropological perspective. Opportunities and challenges of Education for Sustainable Development ”, with the intervention of Carlota Gómez Herrera and Javier Villarroya Villalba -students of the University of València- and Enrique Yeves Valero, Coordinator for Spain of the 75th Anniversary (and former Director of FAO in Spain ). And then, the table "Human Rights and applications of artificial intelligence at the service of the 2030 Agenda", with the intervention of Ana Suarez Rus and Guzmán Blanco Saez -students of the University of València- and Juan Carlos García Cebolla, Senior Coordinator of the Food Safety and Nutrition Program. The event will close with the intervention of the next generations: the girl Patricia Martínez Server and the boy Pablo Manzanera Martínez.

LINK to access the event on April 22 at 15h CEST (free and without prior registration):




Science and Technology at the service of the Sustainable Development Goals and the mitigation of climate change.
-    Fàtima Della Bellver, estudiant de la Universitat de València.
-    Pablo Rosillo Rodes, estudiant de la Universitat de València. 
-    Natalia Bayona, Directora d'Innovació, Educació, i Inversions de la OMT. 
Participants: Facultat de Ciències Biològiques, Facultat de Física, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, Facultat de Dret,, Facultat de Geografia i Història.
Students: Elena Millán Miralles; Carlos Eced Royo; Camila Lara Grima de Maria; Cristina Marco Sánchez; Javier Ruiz de la Costa García; Sara Prieto Prada de Conflent; Helena Viciano Martorell; Fátima Della Bellver; Paula Bañuls Saiz; Clara Carrión Martínez; Sara Gavilà Lloret; Pablo Rosillo Rodes; Pablo Ochera Gayet; Nikita Tyumentsev; Marina Simó Martí; Bertran Molla Bononad; Joao Pedro Torres Da Silva; Sonia Gil Sempere; Rosa Vila Andrés; Luis Muñoz López; Luis Thuillier Larena; David Arnau Blasco; Irene Martin Egeda; Javier Berenguer Sala; Francesc Cuello Llobell.
Professors: Ernesto López Baeza; Pascuala García Martínez; Isabel Signes Soler; Esther Durá Martínez; Jesús Soret Medel; Juan Domingo Esteve; Elisa Simó Soler; Elena de Luis García; J. Javier Serrano Lara; José Landete Casas.

Artificial intelligence on a finite planet: challenges of the 2030 Agenda.
-    Amina Abed, estudiant de la Universitat de València.
-    Lionel Vasseur Duvivier, estudiant de la Universitat de València. 
-    Joaquín Nieto Sainz, Director de l'Oficina OIT per a Espanya i Expert en l'Agenda 2030
-   Yolanda Huerta, Consellera Legal i Directora de Formació i assistència de la UPOV

Participants: Facultat de Dret, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, Facultat de Química, Facultat de Filologia, traducció i Comunicació, Facultat de Ciències Matemàtiques. Students: Lionel Vasseur; Pablo Sabater García; Albert Esteller Miró; Yeray López Arauco; Álvaro López López; Julia Visser Conesa; Pablo Ferrer González; Celia Sifre Armengol; Sergio de María García; Inma Gomar Fernández; Amina Abed; Alejandro Pelegero Navarro; Alonso Císcar Taulet; Rafaella Del Riu Goicochea; Miguel Ángel Piá Ludeña.
Professors: Sergio López Ureña; Jose Antonio Sáez Cases; Fabiola Meco Tébar; Francisco Martinez Gil; Paula del Val Talens; Amparo Ricós Vidal; Mª Luz Cardona Prosper; José Landete Casas.

The digital age from the ethical, historical and socio-anthropological perspective. Opportunities and challenges of Education for Sustainable Development

-    Carlota Gómez Herrera, estudiant de la Universitat de València.
-    Javier Villarroya Villalba, estudiant de la Universitat de València.
-    Enrique Yeves Valero, Coordinator for Spain of the 75th Anniversary (and former Director of FAO in Spain)

Participants: Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l'Educació, Facultat de Magisteri, Facultat de Ciències Socials, Facultat d'Economia, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, Facultat de Ciències Matemàtiques, Facultat de Dret, Facultat de Geografia i Història.
Students: Miguel Palacios Marín; Elisa Asensio; Javier Villarroya Villalba; Luis Galiano Maroto; Luis Zamora Heredia; Agustín Peluso; Borja Esparza; Javier Cardoso; Javier Martínez; Ana García Casabán; Celia Lloves Sierra; Yaser Ennasraoui Belouardi; Estela Martí Muñoz; Pepe Miralles Miralles; Raquel Martín Pérez; Carmen Campos Martínez; Carlota Gómez Herrera; Ángela Martínez Calcerrada; Emilio Silvestre Talaverano; Joan Falcó Alcázar; Laura Tronchoni Aguado; Òscar Canet Nadal; Pablo Bordera Casanova; Alba Martinez; Karen Daniela del Rei Apollonio.
Professors: Albert Moncusí; Mercedes Barrachina; Jose A. Álvarez Jareño; Francisco G. Morillas Jurado; Anabel Forte; Isabel Royo; Cristina Crespo; Pau Sendra Pons; Lola Montagud; Rafael Moll; Victor Moreno; Marina García-Granero Gascó; M. Pilar Martínez; Marisa Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual; Sonia Machause López; Esther Alba Pagán; Carmen Montalba; Jose Berbel; Daniel Gabaldón Estevan; José Landete Casas.

 Human Rights and applications of artificial intelligence at the service of the 2030 Agenda
-    Ana Suarez Rus, estudiant de la Universitat de València.
-    Guzmán Blanco Saez, estudiant de la Universitat de València.
-    Juan Carlos García Cebolla, Coordinador Superior del Programa de Seguretat Alimentària i Nutrició

Participants: Facultat de Farmàcia, Facultat de Psicologia i Logopèdia; Facultat de Dret, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport, Facultat de Fisioteràpia, Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia; Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l'Educació.
Students: Sami Benjelloun Flyes; Alejandro Sánchez Rubio; Armen Shahryari Mayorga; Jordi Monferrer; Adrián Leco; Aldemaro Gonzalez; Guzmán Blanco Saez; Ana Asins Aleixandre; Ana Suarez Rus; Alejandro Font Vera; Lydia Peris Serra.
Professors: Stephanie Garcia; Gemma Espi López; Teresa Garrigues Pelufo; Cristina Blasco Lafarga; Inmaculada Fuentes Durá; Natalia Cezón Serrano; Raquel Borgues Blazquez; José Leon Alapont; Gloria Segarra Irles; Silvia Rueda Pascual; Toya Vázquez Verdera; José Landete Casas.