Professor Vicente González Romá, new associate editor of the “Journal of Applied Psychology”.

Professor Vicente González Romá.

Professor of the University of Valencia Vicente González Romá has been named by the American Psychological Association (APA) Associate Editor of the “Journal of Applied Psychology”. Founded in 1917, it is the most important journal in the field of Applied Psychology. It Publishes an issue every two months, receives a thousand research papers per year, and its acceptance rate is around 10% of the papers received.

Professor Vicente González Romá, Professor of Psychology of Work and Organizations, is attached to the Institute for Research in Psychology of Human Resources, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life (IDOCAL) of the University of Valencia. He also directs the Observatory for Market Insertion and Labour Market (OPAL) of the General Foundation of the University of Valencia.
Currently, a member of the editorial board of the journals “Journal of Applied Psychology”, “Journal of Management” and “European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology”. Of this last journal he was editor during the period 2008-2011, and associate editor from 2005 to 2007.
His research papers have been published in scientific journals with a high impact factor, as the “Journal of Applied Psychology”, “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology”, “Journal of Vocational Behavior”, “European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology”, “Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology”, “Work & Stress”, “Multivariate Behavioural Research” and “Structural Equation Modeling”.



Last update: 23 de december de 2013 09:58.

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