Programme code: 3122

Regulations: RD 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Arts and humanities

Doctoral website:

Organised by:Department of Hispanic Philology

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:University of Valencia General Study

Programme Coordinator:Dra Marta Albelda Marco

Places available for new students:20 places

Aims: The programme aims to prepare professionals and researchers in all the areas related to Spanish Language, Spanish and Hispano-American Literature, Portuguese Philology and Theatre and Scenic Arts in the Hispanic context. The objective is to acquire a high level of knowledge in Hispanic studies and to learn the techniques to develop a doctoral thesis of excellence in one of these areas. The programme provides advanced training in research methodologies and techniques in Hispanic studies in the fields of knowledge of Spanish Language, Literature and Portuguese Philology. It teaches students how to do research through the learning of the necessary knowledge and methodologies for the development of a research work and, subsequently, a doctoral thesis.

Description: The doctoral programme in Advanced Hispanic Studies is the continuation of the doctoral programme with the same name, gifted with quality certification and coherent with the Department’s research lines as they embrace all fields related to the Spanish Language (history, historiography, phonetics and phonology, grammar, semantics, lexicography and lexicology, pragmatics and spoken Spanish, Spanish varieties and uses, and Spanish for specific purposes), Spanish and Hispano-American Literature, Theatre and Scenic Arts in the Hispanic context. The offer of research lines and their scientific quality are integrated and justified in the R&D&I strategy of the Department, which counts with a consolidated researching tradition in the University of Valencia, also becoming one of the referential Department both in national or international scope. In this regard, the doctoral programme in Advanced Hispanic Studies maintains collaboration with a wide range of national and international universities, fact which confirms the programme’s internationalization, as well as its professors’ professional bonds. For the last five years, our Doctoral Programme has collaborated with the following institutions relating to the students and researchers’ mobility: Neuchâtel University (Switzerland), Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences (Switzerland), University of Rome Tre (Italy), Stanford University (California, United States), Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences of La Habana (Cuba), Johannes Gutenberg Universität (Mainz, Germany), University of Venice (Italy), National Autonomous University of Mexico.

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