Programme code: 3128

Regulations: RD 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Arts and humanities

Doctoral website:

Organised by:Departament of Contemporary History

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad del País Vasco (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), Universidad de Cantabria, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universidad de Zaragoza and Universitat de València (Estudi General)

Programme Coordinator:Nuria Tabanera García

Places available for new students:15 plazas.

Aims: The aims of the doctoral programme in Contemporary History are: to train and guide students in research tasks making sure that they acquire the techniques, the intellectual skills and the technical competencies for the defence of a doctoral thesis: to make students aware of the last procedures and outcomes of research in contemporary history; and to introduce students to research groups and academic networks that develop research activities related to their work.

Description: Contemporary History is a well established field in university education and research. Beyond the limits of Humanities, it is also increasingly recognised and of a noted interest among scientists and professionals in the scientific-social macro-area. This is so due to its capacity to explain the recent times and, consequently, provide this deposit of essential experiences to be able to understand the present, and face the decision-making aspect. It is out of doubt, then, the transparency of Contemporary History in the articulation of current societies, and, particularly, the Spanish and the Valencian. It involves, also, training able professionals in different work lines. Students in Contemporary History trained in this programme may be able to integrate, among other socio-professional sectors, in the university teaching, in public and private research centres, in cultural industry companies, in public companies or organisms in charge of the management of the cultural heritage, in companies or institutions of social analysis and of perspective or in communication means. Students will be skilled, at least. in all these sectors to carry out tasks to the highest level.

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